Volumul al II-lea (2010)
Cuvînt înainte
Cuvinte de întîmpinare
- Î.P.S. Teofan Savu, Litera ucide, Duhul dă viață (II Cor 3, 6)
Intrare bibliografică:
Savu, T., Litera ucide, Duhul dă viață (II Cor 3, 6), în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 13-15.
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- Pr. dr. Vasile Gavrilă, Dumnezeiasca liturghie - cea mai înaltă expresie a Graiului Liturgic
Intrare bibliografică:
Gavrilă, V., Dumnezeiasca liturghie - cea mai înaltă expresie a Graiului Liturgic, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 17-26.
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- Rodica Zafiu, Ethos, Pathos și Logos în textul predicii
L’auteur se propose de détecter, par l’analyse de discours et par l’investigation rhétorique, appliquées à un corpus restreint de sermons en roumain, la présence des indices de l’éthos, du pathos et du logos. Un certain rapport entre les trois composantes de la persuasion semble caractériser l’éloquence religieuse dans l’homélie orthodoxe contemporaine (éthos réduit ou masqué, pathos diffus et codifié, logos étendu et didactique); les écarts sons toujours possibles, dans les sermons des orateurs les plus créatifs.
Intrare bibliografică:
Zafiu, R., Ethos, Pathos și Logos în textul predicii, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 27-38.
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Traducerea textului sacru
- Gheorghe Chivu, De la litera la spiritul unui text sacru. Mărturia unui Evangheliar manuscris
The study of moral and religious written teachings destined to a larger audience is of special importance. The author outlines their role giving a special attention to the Homilies and to the role they played in the evolution of the literary language and, also, to impact of the religious discourse on the moral and linguistic edification of the auditory.
Intrare bibliografică:
Chivu, G., De la litera la spiritul unui text sacru. Mărturia unui Evangheliar manuscris, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 41-48.
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- Alexandru Gafton, Biblia de la 1688. Aspecte ale traducerii
Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es die Übersetzungscharakteristika der Bibel von 1688 herauszufinden, um die grundlegenden sprachwissenschaftlichen Prinzipien herauszubekommen und den Wert dieser Version innerhalb des Kontextes zu verstehen.
Intrare bibliografică:
Gafton, A., Biblia de la 1688. Aspecte ale traducerii, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 49-72.
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- Cătălin Vatamanu, Retorica judecății divine în Scriptura ebraică
The metaphor of God as supreme judge of humanity always referred in the Hebrew Scriptures to the crisis of man and creation. The disquiet of humanity face of the crisisjudgment is not determined by an impersonal action, hidden in the immutable mechanic of the world, but by the presence of the Creator in the history as her judge.
The Hebrew term for judgment, mishpat, and the verb shaphat bring in close relationship the political idea of justice with the righteousness as divine attribute. God's judgment does not mean only the balancing of good and evil but the punishment of sin as suffering of the society.
The texts Psalm 7, Isaiah 2:2-4 and Joel 4:9-14 (3:9-14 in Hebrew text), written at different times of the history of Israel, are rhetorical reactions to contemporary political situations. In this context, the metaphor of God's judgment, represented by symbolic terms of weapons, of natural cataclysms, of human emotions, is hermeneutical defined by the attributes of divine mercy, grace and justness.Intrare bibliografică:
Vatamanu, C., Retorica judecății divine în Scriptura ebraică, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 73-82.
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- Constantin Răchită, Interpretarea textelor biblice în viziunea lui Hieronymus
Dans le lieu de la renommé ars poetica elaborée par les ecrivains augustens et par les epigones, homme de lettre du Théodose le Grand siecle propose ars scriptararum. Hieronymus, etant perçu par contemporains comme une grande autorite dans le domaine de l'interpretation des Ecritures, reunit ceux trois types d'interpretation de l'antiquite representees par l'ecole alexandrine, antiohyanne et ebraique. Notre etude veut mettre en evidence les principes fundamentaux, qui sont essentiels pour les methodes interpretatives tres modernes d'Hieronymus, qui ont parcouru les siecles et ont fait d'etre possible l'exegese biblique modderne: le principe philologique de la recuperation de tradition interpretative, la priorite du texte original et la theorie du ceux trois sens.
Intrare bibliografică:
Răchită, C., Interpretarea textelor biblice în viziunea lui Hieronymus, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 83-89.
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- George Bogdan Țâra, Dubla exprimare a interlocutorului în traducerile textelor biblice
L’expression de l’interlocuteur par le cas datif et par la préposition către + accusatif; dans les textes bibliques traduits en roumain, continue une situation qui existait déjà dans les originaux latins et grecs. Cependant, les traductions roumaines ne sont pas toujours fidèles à leurs sources, ce qui prouve que la construction était courante dans la langue et son choix appartenait à l’auteur. Contrairement au cas datif, către + accusatif; après un verbe de communication, peut indiquer simplement l’interlocuteur, mais aussi l’idée de direction et même l’attitude du sujet parlant.
Intrare bibliografică:
Țâra, G.B., Dubla exprimare a interlocutorului în traducerile textelor biblice, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 91-98.
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- Silvia Nicoleta Baltă, Aspecte ale traducerii denumirilor pentru culori în textul biblic românesc
Cet article a pour but d’illustrer quelques aspects concernant la traduction en roumain des noms de couleurs dans le quatrième livre du Pentateuque, Numerii/ Nombres. L’analyse comparative par excellence s’appuie sur les principales versions de la Bible, à partir du premier texte traduit en entier dans la langue roumaine, La Bible de Bucarest (1688), jusqu’à la version d’Anania (2001). Cette démarche montre que la traduction des noms de couleurs n’est pas facile à faire, vu les nombreuses divergences qui apparaissent d’un texte à l’autre. Les textes-sources de la traduction, l’importance que les traducteurs accordent dans leur travail aux termes chromatiques ou l’état d’évolution de la langue roumaine sont des explications possibles du phénomène étudié.
Intrare bibliografică:
Baltă, S.N., Aspecte ale traducerii denumirilor pentru culori în textul biblic românesc, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 99-106.
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- Doina Filimon Doroftei, Elemente biblice în inscripțiile funerare în limba latină din țările române (1300-1800)
The paper is based on a working corpus of about 430 Latin funerary inscriptions dated from the period 1300–1850, most of them from Saxon and Hungarian churches of Transsylvania, which are examined from the point of view of the history of the formular, by identifying the main types of Biblical, patristic and liturgical sources (quotations, comparisons, expressions – athleta Christi, seruus Dei, obdormire in Domino, semantic changes of some terms such as uiuere, ergastulum etc.). Even the elements belonging to pagan Antiquity (such as the formulae: memento mori, hodie mihi cras tibi, quod ego sum tu eris) are subordinated to the Christian attitude concerning death, resurrection and vision of the hereafter.
Intrare bibliografică:
Filimon Doroftei, D., Elemente biblice în inscripțiile funerare în limba latină din țările române (1300-1800), în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 107-116.
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- Ionela Ene, Termeni religioși de origine slavă în Documentele privitoare la istoria orașului Iași
L’article relève quelques particularités lexicales des Documents concernant l’histoire de la ville de Iassy, édités par I. Caproşu, en se rapportant aux termes religieux d’origine slave qui apparaissent dans ces textes. On mentionne les mots qui ont une plus grande fréquence dans les textes étudiés, qui leur sont spécifiques on qui peuvent constituer le sujet de quelques discussions d’ordre lexical, de sorte qu’on puisse formuler des conclusions relatives aux traits caractéristiques de la langue roumaine du XVIIème siècle, relevées par l’étude des textes discutés. L’auteur a visé seulement les documents du XVIIème siècle écrits en roumain.
Intrare bibliografică:
Ene, I., Termeni religioși de origine slavă în Documentele privitoare la istoria orașului Iași, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 117-126.
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- Mariana Flaișer, Notații privind limba română din însemnările de pe manuscrise și cărți religioase din Țara Moldovei
Quotes on old religious books that were in use in Moldavia between the 15th century and the beginning of the 19th century reflect one side aspects from the socio-economical and cultural life and on the other side interesting data regarding the evolution and the modernization process of the Romanian literary language.
The religious text of the book on which notes have been done influenced in a definite way the old Romanian language up to the Modern Era; this is the linguistic reality that the work presented here tries to emphasize.Intrare bibliografică:
Flaișer, M., Notații privind limba română din însemnările de pe manuscrise și cărți religioase din Țara Moldovei, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 127-132.
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- Constantin Onu, Traducerea Liturghierului în limbajul mimico-gestual liturgic românesc
Translating the Liturgy book into Romanian Liturgical Sign Language is an unprecedented endeavor within the Orthodox Church. Accepting as a pastoral method the communication through Sign Language, the Romanian Orthodox Church has faced the situation of identifying liturgical signs and making a clear distinction between them and the signs of the laity. Next, we had to convert the sonorous and musical liturgical text intended for the hearing Orthodox believers, into a visual - gestural one. Thus, we have proceeded to the decomposing of the Sign Language sentence into minimal component parts and then we have reorganized them in order to be meaningful for the receiver’s eye, that is for the deaf person.
Intrare bibliografică:
Onu, C., Traducerea Liturghierului în limbajul mimico-gestual liturgic românesc, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 133-145.
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Retorica discursului religios
- Dionisie Constantin Pîrvuloiu, Sfîntul Vasile cel Mare. Filologie și teologie
2009 was chosen by the Romanian Patriarchy „The Year of the Cappadocian Fathers”. Saint Basil the Great is, probably, the most famous Cappadocian Father. His work, beyond the theological value presents also a linguistic and philological relevance, not only in the context of Greek Language and Hellenistic Literature, but also regarding the interference of theology with language. His polemics with the Arians Heretics implied a very developed discussion concerning origin, structure and essence of the human language, language which, in those days became the vehicle of the Christian Doctrine. We present in this article a few remarks, observations and problems with significative relevance concerning these problems. Saint Basil sustained with arguments that the human language is conventional, not absolute and it is a simple instrument for communication, and the authentic theological language is one of experience and spiritual life.
Intrare bibliografică:
Pîrvuloiu, D.C., Sfîntul Vasile cel Mare. Filologie și teologie, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 149-160.
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- Lucian Farcaș, Perspective etice în discursul profetic
In der christlichen Überlieferung bezüglich der Bildung der Christgläubigen in den wichtigsten Bereichen des Glaubens und der Sittenlehre hat man immer wieder Wert auf den Zusammenhang zwischen den Tragsäulen der biblischen Moral gelegt, die aus dem Dekalog und den Seligpreisungen bestehen. In Jesus Christus selbst vollzieht sich das prophetische Bild, indem die Identität des Propheten im Licht der göttlichen Berufung und die Lebensaufgabe im Kontext seiner Sendung zu den Menschen verstanden werden. Im vorliegenden Beitrag Ethische Perspektiven im prophetischen Diskurs wird an erster Stelle nicht behauptet, dass die Propheten berühmte Prediger, Sprecher oder Schriftsteller im Bereich der biblischen Moral gewesen wären. Vielmehr wird hier gezeigt, dass die Propheten eine gewisse Reihenfolge vor Augen halten. Der biblischen Heilsgeschichte treu folgend verkünden sie zuerst die Heilstaten Gottes und erst dannach die darausfolgenden moralischen Konsequenzen. In der Erfüllung der prophetischen Mission vor Gottesangesicht und zugleich den Menschen gegenüber entdeckt man einen umfangreichen literarischen Diskurs, der die Aufmerksamkeit der Leser der biblischen Texte aniziehen und verdienen.
Intrare bibliografică:
Farcaș, L., Perspective etice în discursul profetic, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 161-172.
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- Petre Semen, Fundamentarea biblică a drepturilor omului
The article is centered around the issue of human rights and the biblical foundations of the problem. Fundamental human rights such as freedom, nondiscrimination, the need for protection and asylum for refugees and the rightful retribution of work are commented upon within the interpretative framework of the biblical tradition.
Intrare bibliografică:
Semen, P., Fundamentarea biblică a drepturilor omului, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 173-186.
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- Maria Cătănescu, Retorica elogiului în Didahiile lui Antim Ivireanul
En s’appuyant sur les omilies d’Antim Ivireanul, l’auteur propose une analyse rhétorique de l’éloge. On discute les stratégies fondamentales de l’éloge direct et indirect, visant un grand nombre de référents intra – et extradiscursifs.
Intrare bibliografică:
Cătănescu, M., Retorica elogiului în Didahiile lui Antim Ivireanul, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 187-194.
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- Constantin Frâncu, Coerența discursului religios în Didahiile lui Antim Ivireanul
The present study aims at revealing the syntactic cohesion and coherence of the discourse, on the propositional and textual levels in the works of the Metropolitan bishop Antim Ivireanul, one the most important Romanian religious writers from the XVIIIth century.
Intrare bibliografică:
Frâncu, C., Coerența discursului religios în Didahiile lui Antim Ivireanul, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 195-198.
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- Laura Bădescu, Retorica blamului în predica lui Antim Ivireanul
Revendiqué par la lignée du Baroque européen, l’ouvrage Les Sermons a contribué de façon décisive à l’affirmation d’un nouveau statut du prêche dans la littérature roumaine. A la suite d’une analyse portant en exclusivité sur les éléments qui contribuent à une rhétorique du blâme dans les sermons d’Antim Ivireanul, on peut remarquer le niveau remarquable de la partie inventio – dû à la sélection des arguments basés sur les vices, de la dispositio – à travers l’organisation thématique et affective des arguments, et de l’elocutio – moyennant les figures du signifié (les métasémèmes) et du référent (les métalogismes).
Intrare bibliografică:
Bădescu, L., Retorica blamului în predica lui Antim Ivireanul, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 199-204.
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- Ilie Melniciuc-Puică, Retorica paulină evidențiată în Epistola către Romani (9-10)
The Romans epistle of St. Paul, the gentile Apostle, are in chapters 9-11 an amazing demonstration of rhetoric, using the quotations of Old Testament text. The purpose of the Christian missionary was to solve, in a dialog with an imaginary Jews, the problem of elected people in relation with Christians. This doubt, erected between Christians and Jews inhabitants of Rome is annulated in Pauline biblical argumentations, showing that only God give his redemption to humankinds. This paper show how God keep a “rest” of Israel in fidelity, what is the meaning of “only”, “elected” and “believe” terms in Romans chapters 9-11. The image of olive tree, the potter will - like allegory of Israel and God – show the rhetoric of Romans epistle, who Paul persuade an reveal the divine goals.
Intrare bibliografică:
Melniciuc-Puică, I., Retorica paulină evidențiată în Epistola către Romani (9-10), în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 205-214.
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- Mihai Daniel Isai, Ontologia hermeneutică a textului religios
Within today’s context of globalisation, multiculturalism and religious pluralism, the comprehension and interpretation of the religious text require such a great diversity of meanings that the relativisation of the religious text or discourse may acquire confusing nuances. Due to this reason, the third component of the hermeneutic process, which takes us into the realm of ontology, acquires clarifying stamina of the background of the religious text. H.G. Gadamer mentions this third component which he names application. This is what Paul Ricouer calls the interpellation of the reader by the text. If just one scientific method of analysis is applied when analysing a text, we may risk missing its religious significance; furthermore, we can lose contact with a living tradition and, at the same time, we, ourselves, grow even poorer.
Intrare bibliografică:
Isai, M.D., Ontologia hermeneutică a textului religios, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 215-220.
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- Elena Isai, Iov între arhetipul biblic și paradigma modernă
Le problème de la souffrance, indissolublement lié du nom de Job, a suscité depuis toujours la découverte d’une réponse. Les mots de Job, restés célèbres: „L’Éternel a donné, et l’Éternel a ôté; que le nom de l’Éternel soit béni! ” (Job 1, 21) ne dénote pas une simple résignation devant sa propre souffrance, mais ces mots supposent l’engagement intégral à l’horizon de la communion de Dieu. Le problème de l’engagement de la souffrance c’est ce qui sépare le modèle archétypal du paradigme moderne, situé sous le signe du hasard, de la contingence. Job l’Homme de la pièce de théâtre de Călin Ciobotari Job et la salubrité, comme le représentant du ‘brave homme’ de nos jours, illustre la condition de l’homme moderne ‘épidermique’ pour lequel les mots du Bible restent des simples ‘beaux mots’ (le rôle de l’Ange). Sur des versants différents, mais en réalité ‘le même’, situé permanent entre ‘avoir’ et ‘être’, le symbolique Job nous détermine de regarde notre âme dans le miroir de notre propre conscience.
Intrare bibliografică:
Isai, E., Iov între arhetipul biblic și paradigma modernă, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 221-230.
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- Felicia Dumas, Particularități stilistico-lexicale ale unui „discurs ecologist” ortodox în limba franceză
Nous proposons une analyse lexico-stylistique de ce qu’on pourrait appeler un discours écologiste orthodoxe exprimé en langue française. Nous travaillerons sur un corpus formé d’un document vidéo (consacré à un monastère orthodoxe français) et de plusieurs textes (un livre, des conférences et des homélies) de l’archimandrite Placide Deseille (fondateur du monastère féminin dont il est question dans le document vidéo), l’un des plus grands pères spirituels et théologiens orthodoxes français contemporains.
Intrare bibliografică:
Dumas, F., Particularități stilistico-lexicale ale unui „discurs ecologist” ortodox în limba franceză, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 231-240.
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- Marina Vraciu, Stelian Onică, Merișor Dominte, Pomelnic aparținînd Bisericii „Sf. Parascheva” din localitatea Enăchești, jud. Bacău
The existence of a painted diptych inside the altar’s apse - may it be static or movable (i.e. painted on wood or directly on the wall) it s a frequent architectural situation appearing since 13th 14th centuries in Christian churches. The diptych is dated 1814 and resides in the „St. Parascheva” Church in Enachesti, Romania. It is a valuable cult object, being built up from three pieces. The object has been analised in an investigation, conservation and restoration process, being in a advanced stage of degradation which needed fast conservation interventions.
The three parts of the diptych contain painted surfaces and also written surfaces where the patron, their families and other donors are mentioned with the purpose of being named during the religious events which where held in the church.Intrare bibliografică:
Vraciu, M., Onică, S., Dominte, M., Pomelnic aparținînd Bisericii „Sf. Parascheva” din localitatea Enăchești, jud. Bacău, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 241-250.
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- Alina Cristina Druță, Funcția persuasivă a artei oratorice. Sfîntul Dionisie Areopagitul și cunoașterea ierarhiei cerești cu ajutorul simbolurilor
Dans ce texte, je vais argumenter que le discours persuasif est un discours délibératif, régi par la valeur de l’utilité de prendre une certaine décision. Celui qui accomplit l’acte de persuasion est le saint, un homme investi avec l’autorité déléguée par Dieu même. Suivant le schéma classique de l’acte de persuasion – ethos-logos-pathos -, on verra que cette persuasion dépend des qualités du saint, des qualités de son discours et des qualités de son public. Le saint agit avec l’autorité que Dieu lui confère. Le saint est une personne avec charisme, un homme crédible, honorable, qui ne cherche que la gloire de Dieu. Il tire sa force persuasive de ses faits et de ses paroles. Le discours du saint suit une logique sainte, le texte est très bien articulé, ses thèses sont explicitement exprimées, pour ne laisser place à des interprétations erronées. Le public du saint est formé par des saints ou par des gens croyants. Le saint souligne à plusieurs reprises que la parole de Dieu et Sa vérité ne peuvent être dévoilées à qui que ce soit. Il n’y a pas de pathos à transmettre, mais tout au contraire, le saint désire que son public soit à la pensée et au coeur attachés aux réalités de Dieu et non pas aux réalités visibles et passagères de ce monde.
Intrare bibliografică:
Druță, A.C., Funcția persuasivă a artei oratorice. Sfîntul Dionisie Areopagitul și cunoașterea ierarhiei cerești cu ajutorul simbolurilor, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 251-260.
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- Renata Maria Rusu, Religia și comportamentul religios în viața japonezilor
In this paper we aim at making a short presentation of the relation Japanese people have with divinity, with „religion”. Japanese people are very eager to immediately deny belonging to any religion, no matter which, and insist on describing the Japanese society as a non-religious one – a society in which religion either does not exist or it has disappeared. But is this how things really are? And how has this happened? By providing a concrete description of the way Japanese people behave in a Shinto shrine and a Buddhist temple, we try to show in this paper that Japanese people are involved in religious activities, and that Japanese society is one in which religion has always been present.
Intrare bibliografică:
Rusu, R.M., Religia și comportamentul religios în viața japonezilor, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 261-268.
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- Luminița Hoarță Cărăușu, Un aspect al morfosintaxei textelor religioase din secolul al XVI-lea: construcția pasivă
Es handelt sich, in dieser Arbeit, um ein Konzept der rumänischen Grammatik, beziehungsweise Vox oder Diathese. Dieses Konzept „bezeichnet ein Verhältnis zwischen dem mitgeteilten Geschehnis und seinen Teilnehmern; der logisch erste Teilnehmer, das Subjekt, kann Agens des Geschehnisses sein (Vox activa), Gegenstand des Geschehnisses (Vox passiva) oder Agens und Gegenstand zugleich (Vox media, einschliesslich Reflexivum)” (Coseriu, 1976: 79).
Intrare bibliografică:
Hoarță Cărăușu, L., Un aspect al morfosintaxei textelor religioase din secolul al XVI-lea: construcția pasivă, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 269-278.
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- Maria Giosanu, Aspecte lingvistice în Triodul de la 1726
The author presents the main linguistic features of a religious book from the XVIIIth century and outlines its main phonetic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities. The analysis is enriched with observations concerning the expressiveness of various linguistic elements.
Intrare bibliografică:
Giosanu, M., Aspecte lingvistice în Triodul de la 1726, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 279-286.
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- Daniela Obreja Răducănescu, Discursul religios ca discurs hegemonic
As an argumentative-discoursive form, the religious sermons involve two types of attitudes in the inter-confessional communication: the ecumenical communication i.e. regarding the conciliation of the religious cults, and the hegemonic attitude, which supposes the approach of a strategy that should ensure the supremacy to a certain cult in favour of others. This process has been existing for thousands of years, ever since Man was born. The Supreme God i.e. the Divinity, the Absolute and so forth are attributed universal values: Goodness, Truth and Beauty, everything not belonging to this ideal entity belonging to the opposite categories. The hegemonic discourse is specifically built, comprising, antithetically, dogmatic contents, while the techniques that are used involve different representation systems of the disjunctive discourse. Our aim is that of identifying and underlining the values of such techniques and strategies that are specific to the hegemonic religious discourse, the material to work upon being a blog web page concerning the orthodox cult.
Intrare bibliografică:
Obreja Răducănescu, D., Discursul religios ca discurs hegemonic, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 287-294.
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- Andreea Rășcanu, Strategii argumentative și persuasive în discursul lui Antim Ivireanul
Notre étude souligne l’importance de ce type de discours vu comme un discours argumentatif avec une finalité persuasive. Le discours argumentatif est consideré comme une construction d’arguments qui asigure la persuation d’auditeur, qui très important parce que l’orateur fait le discours en fonction de celui-ci.
Intrare bibliografică:
Rășcanu, A., Strategii argumentative și persuasive în discursul lui Antim Ivireanul, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 295-302.
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- Florentina Popa, Verbal și paraverbal în discursul religios
The church has expanded its range of action beyond the borders of the sacred, trying to establish permanent ways of communication with the believers, taking advantage of the development of technology. The radio is one of these new possibilities of communication, however, the use of such new means of communication requires a different strategy from the classical one. If within the sacred space the prayers and the rituals unite the people by sharing an expression of the religious experience of each believer under the guidance of the priest, who coordinates the rituals, within the radio phonic space the relationship is established between the voice of the speaker and each individual receiver. By voice, the speaker establishes a relationship with the receiver/listener, but a performant decoding process needs a specific type of argumentative direction. From this perspective of the relation verbal-supra-verbal I intend to analyze the religious discourse transmitted by radio waves.
Intrare bibliografică:
Popa, F., Verbal și paraverbal în discursul religios, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 303-312.
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- Elena-Laura Bolotă, Expresivitatea limbajului laic cu referire la termenii din domeniul religios
Most of the times, we see that in everyday language, we use phrases and locutions spontaneously, which give a certain beauty of the communication. Since the origin of the Romanian people is closely related to Christianity, the religious terminology inevitably has an important place among the speakers. The most frequently used expressions are those in which occur the words angel, devil, God, priest, cross, God, church, holy, Easter, and not only.
For example, to use „here is the priest here is not” means to always change your decision. Also, „to ring the bells for someone” means to court a woman or „to stand as a gypsy charity” is to stand for nothing, „to fall somewhere the snuff of the lamp” means to stay too long in one place, „to get where the devil broke his veldschoon” means to go far, „to lose someone’s paschals” means to miscalculate, etc. In all these expressions appear terms used in the church. Noticing the multitude of expressions, we can explain, more or less, their appearance and how were formed.Intrare bibliografică:
Bolotă, E.L., Expresivitatea limbajului laic cu referire la termenii din domeniul religios, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 313-322.
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- Maria-Mihaela Dărescu, Structura discursului religios din cadrul cultului creștin ortodox
The discourse has a structure different from other types of discourses. It comprises a series of elements that are not present in other discourses (i.e. the sign of the holy cross, saying a prayer, the existence of a particular way of addressing, a.s.o.). These specific elements contribute to the success of the discourse, leads to establishing a better contact between the deliverer and the receiver and facilitates putting into practice of the religious teachings delivered to the receivers. In our work, we shall present the structure of the religious discourse present only within the Christian Orthodox cult.
Intrare bibliografică:
Dărescu, M.M., Structura discursului religios din cadrul cultului creștin ortodox, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 323-328.
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Literatura și sacrul
- Viorella Manolache, Secularizarea - un debușeu al gîndirii slabe
Beyond an anachronistic relation and dispute of the concept, secularization became the matrix in which kenoziz continues to act in order to educate the human being to accomplish the original and violent essence of the sacrum and, in fact, of the social life.
The weak thinking attributes can be (re)find into two theological and gnoseological hypostasis (Eugeniu Speranţia and Joseph Ratzinger), into what Gianni Vattimo called, the event’s theology. The weak thinking remains, according to Vattimo, a message which puts into debate liberty from the metaphysics, reponsability and returnig from outside to inside, eliberation from the false conscience (Ratzinger), in order to (re)discover the absolute principle and the absolute faith (Speranţia).Intrare bibliografică:
Manolache, V., Secularizarea - un debușeu al gîndirii slabe, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 331-338.
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- Loredana Opăriuc, Arșavir Acterian în căutarea lui Dumnezeu
The author of the Diary in search of God is both character and witness in the beautiful story of the interbelic literature and also in the dramatic story of the communist enjailment. His spiritual family is not made up only by his sister (Jeni Acterian) or his too-early lost brother (Haig Acterian), but also by famous intelectuals like Eugen Ionescu, Emil Cioran, Mircea Eliade, Nicolae Steinhardt etc. Unlike most of his fellows, Arşavir Acterian tried to make a work of art out of his life, less out of intense writing. His diaries describe the path of a mystical spirit, with a rich inner life, translated in a special poetic of wonder. As years go by, his confession gets closer to prayer and his search comes to the end of certainty.
Intrare bibliografică:
Opăriuc, L., Arșavir Acterian în căutarea lui Dumnezeu, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 339-346.
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- Gheorghe Manolache, O posibilă sintaxă a imaginarului religios naumian
„Le credo” de Naum est issu, selon Dan Mănucă (1971), d’un „manichéisme d’origine biblique, très accesible et fréquemment invoqué, le couple Bon-Mal soutenant systématiquement tous ses vers” (105). Tout comme Horace, Anton Naum ne pouvait être un poète religieux dans le sens dogmatique, son manichéisme combinant le style d’Horace avec des éléments robustes antidotes du christianisme paysan. De cette „hybridation” va naître la théorie classique de Naum de “quod satis est” et de l’égalité de condition sociale, historique etc. Le Bon et le Mal sont pour Naum des principes qui établissent „les âges” dans un „cycle à recours de l’histoire”.
„Le manichéisme d’origine biblique” mis par Dan Mănucă à la base du fond chrétien de la poésie de Naum, (ré)actualisé en fonction des répères de son époque, est, en fait, un équivalent du „dualisme antagonique” du „christianisme primitif”. Romulus Vulcănescu (1985) soutient l’idée de la présence dans notre mythologie de la rupture „des dieux frères” sous l’influence chrétienne, dans „les deux non-frères”: le Bon-frère et le Mauvais-frère”. Romulus Vulcănescu (1985) croit qu’entre „les dieux non-frères”, dans le christianisme, se donne une lutte théocratique pour la priorité, „entre le principe du Bon et du Mal”, „de l’opposition entre les entités ontologiques de type uranique et chtonique, entre l’instauration de l’ordre complète inhérente à la déification – selon le tableau ci-dessus – et de l’ordre partielle, apparente du démonologisation” (231), présente dans le deuxième tableau du poème et, surtout, en AEGRI SOMNIA.
La nuit cosmique anticipe la restructuration lente, la ré-cosmogonie étendue dont Romulus Vulcănescu en écrivait (1985). Les vers assumés comme support de la permanence d’une ision chrétien-archaïque, dominantes chez Anton Naum, nous dirigent vers les images stéréotypiques du cosmos traditionnel paysan dans lequel l’homme projetté se sent organiquement et définitivement integré.
„Cosmo-graphique”, l’homo Carpathicus du poème NOX ERAT, quoique „tombé” dans „la haine du péché des ancêtres”, s’endort protégé – „secrèt”, „caché”, „couvert” – avec les éléments de son espace sacré, un complexe de noyaux topographiques, générateurs des „modèles culturels” de type mythiques. Un espace (con)centrique-réticulaire, (con)centré sur des formes de relief capables d’offrir la sécurité historique, religieuse sociale etc. „Les bois mystérieux”, „le lac aux hauts rivages”, reflétant dans les vagues les feux stellaires; „les montagnes noirs au loin” sont les réseaux concentriques qu’on reconnaît aussi dans la „mandala” d’Eminescu.
Un inventaire des „topoi antiques gréco-latins” et de ceux „chrétien-primitifs” dans la poésie de l’époque, et d’Anton Naum, particulièrement, fait la preuve de la prédisposition pour la double hypostase dont on s’en souvenait: la garde de la signification traditionnelle gréco-latine et son réinvestissment avec les éléments ultérieurs de la spiritualité chrétienne.
Au-delà de tout „inventaire” possible des éléments conscients et inconscients, qui nourissent le tissu imaginaire du texte poétique de Naum et qui lui permet d’être tel qu’il est, au-delà de „la prise en considération” de „l’ordre” et du caractère de leur image, volontairement ou non de leur organisation, on redécouvre la syntaxe de l’imaginaire de Naum, comprise comme type de gouvernement du régime de son écriture. La poésie de type romantique de Naum est attirée par l’imaginaire du système ganglionnaire, en étant la zone des sentiments, de l’exaltation, des passions, de l’amour et de la religion et aussi de la volupté et de la cruauté. Dans cet univers ganglionnaire les bons et les mauvais démons se luttent, et en même temps on y reconnaît le spectacle grandiose et effrayant des civilisations qui naissent et renaissent, au-près du péché ancestral et de la mort qui se disputent la regne de l’humanité.
En conclusion, selon Anton aum, ce système ganglionnaire est „la terre inconnue de l’inconscient qui s’étend jusqu’au fond de l’être humain” et que celui-ci ne peut pas „maîtriser, car le fond, son centre ne se trouve pas à l’intérieur, mais à l’extérieur, “dans les cieux”. D’où la permanente préoccupation poétique de Naum pour la représentation de l’homme entre le sommeil et la veille, comme être autonome (adamythique), diurne, et comme l’habitant nocturne, somnambule de l’univers dans lequel palpitent „les immenses rythmes sidéraux”.Intrare bibliografică:
Manolache, G., O posibilă sintaxă a imaginarului religios naumian, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 347-360.
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- Călin Bîrleanu, Forme contemporane ale sacralității în literatură
The three parts of the novel Orbitor cannot be analized as a whole in the absence of some elements related to psychic or spirituality. The psychological or theological influences, to name only two of them, are combining in the trilogy in order to form a literary corpus, both dense and fertile, where androgyns and angels, saints and deamons, earth and sky, complete each other, sometimes even to the limit of confusion.
Intrare bibliografică:
Bîrleanu, C., Forme contemporane ale sacralității în literatură, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 361-374.
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- Adina Chirilă, Poezia religioasă: considerații despre autor și interpretare
The present essay focuses on two aspects regarding the religious poetry: its author, and its legitimate interpretation. Because the religious poet places himself under the authority of the Scripture and of God, his subjectivity as an artist is voluntarily limited. The religious poet is first of all a believer in the very biblical sense, so the substance of his religious creation must be consistent with the Bible’s principles. The perspective that a religious poet has upon his own text sustains the idea that such a text has in fact two authors, of different ranks: a Divine Instance, and a human voice – a channel. Due to its complex nature, a religious poem can and may legitimate more than one way of interpretation, but the one that has been foreseen by the Divine Instance is the spiritual (or the existential) approach.
Intrare bibliografică:
Chirilă, A., Poezia religioasă: considerații despre autor și interpretare, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 375-380.
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- Diana Tivdă, Dublu sau/și dual
This paper is meant to show the difference(s) or similarity (if any) between the concepts of the double/ double personality and the dual/ dualism in what it concerns the Romantics, especially Mihai Eminescu’s work.
On the one hand, the double is nothing else but the Other of the Same or, rather, the Same but divided, as a copy of the original (the second dark Me, the twin brother, the shadow, etc). On the other hand, the dual is a pair, an antinomic one, of two opposite poles which are attracted to one another (angel and demon, life and death, visible and invisible etc).
While there is a complementary attraction with the dual, when we speak about the double there is a destructive attraction. Being dual is something permanent, familiar, whereas being double means meeting the strange guest of ours in dreams, in trance etc. The dual nature is permanent and having double personality is something temporary for the Romantic Self. Moreover, the dual means consistency, the double represents inconsistency, puzzling fragmentation of the Self.
To put it in a nut shell, being dual is something permanent, beneficent attraction, but meeting the Other Me creates rivalry and alienation but not for good.
Therefore, the double is a finite entity, regarding time, and the dual is infinite and thus the concept of the double is not synonymous with the dual.Intrare bibliografică:
Tivdă, D., Dublu sau/și dual, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 381-396.
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- Antonio Patraș, Ars scribendi, ars moriendi
The straightforward lines of Lovinescu’s critical system should be put to trial by confronting the dogmatism of his thinking with the severe pulsions of self conceitedness and vanity. Ars scribendi, ars moriendi presents Antonio Patras’ conception about the best regarded ”critical system” in Romanian culture. After delineating a few incongruities, the author of the present study argues that Lovinescu did not actually change in spite of his confession. The amount of work submitted to his interpreters directed them to a evolutive pattern of reading his books, whereas the real key of his conception is permanent stasis and stagnation.
Intrare bibliografică:
Patraș, A., Ars scribendi, ars moriendi, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 397-408.
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- Carmen Mihaela Potlog, Aspecte ale sacrului în lirica lui Tudor Arghezi
The present study presents some aspects of the religious poetry written by Tudor Arghezi and it is based on the assumption that the artistic gift is, in the process of literary creation, the audacity to play upon the metaphor and its games. The poetry of the „dialogue” with the Divinity, of finding a reference point in the trancendent is imposed by the gravity of emotion, by purity and the ardour of the feeling.
Intrare bibliografică:
Potlog, C.M., Aspecte ale sacrului în lirica lui Tudor Arghezi, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 409-414.
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- Emanuela Ilie, „Dă-ne, Doamne, mîntuirea/pentru jertfa ce-am adus...”. Poezia-rugăciune în spațiul închisorilor comuniste
Dans le cas particulier des poètes captifs dans les prisons communistes roumaines, leurs poèmes publiées d’après 1989 ont témoigné des multiples hypostases de la crise identitaire vécue par les condamnés (psychologique, biologique, religieuse, ontologique), mais aussi du moyen particulier dans lequel les auteurs ont pu dépasser la souffrance par la création. Une catégorie à part de la création littéraire pensée (non pas écrite !) dans la prison est représentée par le poème-prière. L’étude se propose une lecture critique de cette espèce particulière de la création littéraire carcérale (ayant en vue surtout l’atmosphère, la structure, la thématique, la stylistique), pour justifier les différences visibles d’entre sa valeur éthique et sa valeur esthétique.
Intrare bibliografică:
Ilie, E., „Dă-ne, Doamne, mîntuirea/pentru jertfa ce-am adus...”. Poezia-rugăciune în spațiul închisorilor comuniste, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 415-422.
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- Florin Țupu, Recuperarea textului sacru în literatura laică contemporană. Romanul Nebunul al lui Savatie Baștovoi
In today’s world, subject to Globalization, Secularization, Rationalism, Technologism, to the exclusion of traditional values or to Neo-gnosticism, could there possibly exist examples of sacred text recovery, especially the Christian one? The answer would require a rhetoric question: of course, but it may not serve to anybody. Savatie Baştovoi, the one who travels the route from Atheism to Christianity, both in his personal and artistic life, proposes a unique solution. Starting with the life of Saint Simeon the Crazy about Christ, also known by the name of Edessa and with one of his friends, John the Monk, Savatie Baştovoi writes the novel The Madman, with double significance: updating the religious text in a laic Romanian formula, on the one hand and subjecting meaning of understanding (maybe the criticism of Modernity too) to an equivoque – normality seen as madness and/ or abnormality/ madness seen as normality, on the other hand.
Intrare bibliografică:
Țupu, F., Recuperarea textului sacru în literatura laică contemporană. Romanul Nebunul al lui Savatie Baștovoi, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 423-428.
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- Daniela Doboș, „Nu există adevăr în afara Porților Edenului”: Imaginația biblică în textele lui Bob Dylan
American musician Bob Dylan, author of a semi-centennial oeuvre, is currently deemed the most influential living cultural personality. Dylan, who is also the subject of numerous biographies, encyclopedias and academic lectures, has also occupied the centre of a debate concerning the evaluation criteria for his work: can his lyrics be considered poetry, with their arresting imagery, epithets and paradoxes of an amazing variety and an almost excentric depth? What is certain is that Dylan’s oeuvre inspires contradiction. Capable of evoking the whole biblical narrative in just a couple of words, and repeatedly comparing himself with Christ, the artisthas put forward a paradigm which allows himself to define his role as an artist or prophet in the tradition of popular American imagination. After introducing the notion of the producer of mass culture as artist (a similar example being Leonard Cohen), the paper sets out to analyse several biblical elements in Dylan’s lyrics, particularly those of Jokerman, with their multiple possible interpretations.
Intrare bibliografică:
Doboș, D., „Nu există adevăr în afara Porților Edenului”: Imaginația biblică în textele lui Bob Dylan, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 429-440.
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- Victoria Huiban, Ipostazierea feminităţii între sacru şi profan
La présente étude envisage les diverses formes que la féminité a prises le long du temps, entre la statuette du plus profond de l’âge paléolithique et les figures féminines que l’histoire lointaine ou récente nous fournit à profusion. Nous avons constaté qu’elles se rangent ou bien sous le signe du sacré (Eve, la Sainte Vierge, Marie-Madeleine), ou bien sous celui que le mythe et la légende auréolent à la fois (Sémiramis, Schéhérézade, Aliénor, Héloïse, Yseut). Devenues symboles archétypaux, elles ont exercé une forte influence formatrice sur les grandes idées qui ont créé le concept de féminité, si contestée le plus souvent, mais portant, dans ses traits définitoires, l’image même de la femme éternelle: beauté, pureté, force de séduction, don de la création, soif d’amour et de tendresse, etc. Le fait est qu’aucun paradigme ne peut circonscrire l’essence de la féminité, car elle reste insondable, vu la diversité de ses facettes.
Intrare bibliografică:
Huiban, V., Ipostazierea feminităţii între sacru şi profan, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 441-448.
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- Ruxandra Nechifor, Valorizări ale sacrului în romanul Orbitor de Mircea Cărtărescu
Orbitor novel brings together eclectic, realistic-magical, playful, self-referential writings which configure real worlds and, on the other hand, worlds which are situated in fabulous and mythical locations, always linked by the Unlimited Text. The sacred is the relational element among fictional worlds which are put together in this Illegible Book, governed by the game structures. Some of the hypersensitive characters of the novel are expected to detect the obscure aspect, the less visible dimension the world, following the negative ways or those imposed by tradition, starting with the magic knowledge to a quasi-scientific one. Deities, priests, versant or just factual writers, characters pertain to the hidden part of the world, they reveal it according to different scales and perform rituals whose importance they can partly deduct.
Intrare bibliografică:
Nechifor, R., Valorizări ale sacrului în romanul Orbitor de Mircea Cărtărescu, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 449-456.
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- Claudia Ciobanu, Sensuri şi funcţii ale intertextului religios în proza lui Marin Preda
La présence de l’intertexte religieux dans la prose du Marin Preda a, à côté de la fonction structurante au niveau de sens et du son rôle compositionnel, une signification profonde pour le lecteur contemporain. Le texte nonfictionel, Jurnal intim, aussi bien que le texte fictionel, Viaţa ca o pradă, Marele singuratic, Cel mai iubit dintre pămînteni, dévoile une haute vibration, une remarcable vocation pour les grandes questions et pour l’observation que situe l’écrivain Marin Preda tout près de la morale chrétienne, sans pourtant l’inglober. Dans leur angoisse, les personnajes de Preda invoquent le texte de la Bible en lui reconnaissant comme une instance suprême dont ils attendent, même par comparaison ou contrast, ou similitude, une réponse.
Intrare bibliografică:
Ciobanu, C., Sensuri şi funcţii ale intertextului religios în proza lui Marin Preda, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 457-462.
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- Mariana Crăciun, Alice Voinescu în dialog cu Dumnezeu
The paper intends to define and analyze Alice Voinescu’s religious life and work, her strong believes in life being filtered by the divine word/ Christian laws. Having the misfortune of living in a tormented world (the period after the Second World War and that of the communist dictatorship) Alice Voinescu found a way of surviving by escaping in her interior world. Her hardships became her joys, she knew how to give meaning to every sad moment of her life by means of Christian guidance. Some critics portrayed her as a mystic feminine figure having a strong aura of holiness, but she never considered her as such, although she kept a permanent dialogue with God (in her Journal, even in her philosophical considerations).
Intrare bibliografică:
Crăciun, M., Alice Voinescu în dialog cu Dumnezeu, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 2/2010, p. 463-470.
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