Volumul al III-lea (2011)
Cuvînt înainte
Cuvinte de întîmpinare
- Î.P.S. Teofan Savu, Textul religios mărturisit
Intrare bibliografică:
Savu, T., Textul religios mărturisit, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 15-16.
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- P.S. Petru Gherghel, Cuvîntul
Intrare bibliografică:
Gherghel, P., Cuvîntul, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 17-20.
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- Răzvan Theodorescu, Text şi imagine în vechea civilizaţie a românilor
Intrare bibliografică:
Theodorescu, R., Text şi imagine în vechea civilizaţie a românilor, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 21-37.
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- Vasile Mihoc, Logos, Scriptură şi vindecarea Cuvîntului
Intrare bibliografică:
Mihoc, V., Logos, Scriptură şi vindecarea Cuvîntului, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 39-54.
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Traducerea textului sacru
- Gheorghe Chivu, De la litera la spiritul textului sacru. Consideraţii asupra limbajului figurativ din textele vechi româneşti
The author examines the figurative language of some of the Old Romanian texts in order to emphasize the expressiveness of the choices adopted by the translators confronted with the complexity of the sacred text itself, the intricacies of the source language and the fluctuations of the target language.
Intrare bibliografică:
Chivu, G., De la litera la spiritul textului sacru. Consideraţii asupra limbajului figurativ din textele vechi româneşti, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 57-66.
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- Petru Pistol, Gesticulation de la traduction entre l'obéissance et la créativité
Le fragment présente des hypostases de l’acte de traduction, assimilé à celui de la communication. On met en évidence la nécessité de bien maîtriser les deux langues, celle qui offre, à savoir la langue qui reçoit, ainsi que la joie «d’accueillir», respectivement «d’habiter» une autre langue.
Intrare bibliografică:
Pistol, P., Gesticulation de la traduction entre l'obéissance et la créativité, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 67-72.
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- Octavian Gordon, Metodologia traducerii textelor patristice în limba română – premisele unei traductologii patristice în spaţiul românesc
This paper aims to set the outlines for the projection of a patristic traductology, taking into account the history of the Romanian patristic translations, as well as the history of the main schools of translation, the principles mentioned discontinuously upon publication of a translation, the principles of a general theory of translation, and last but not least, the actual tendencies regarding patristic translations.
Intrare bibliografică:
Gordon, O., Metodologia traducerii textelor patristice în limba română – premisele unei traductologii patristice în spaţiul românesc, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 73-83.
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- Felicia Dumas, Exploatarea corpusului de limbă franceză pentru redactarea dicţionarului bilingv român-francez de termeni religioşi ortodocşi
Nous nous proposons de présenter quelques stratégies d’exploitation du corpus de sources religieuses (écrites et orales) de langue française utilisées dans le but d’établir les équivalences de plusieurs termes et expressions roumaines à contenu confessionnel orthodoxe, tels harţi, bogdaproste, colivă, dezlegare la peşte, denie, priveghere, trezvie, vămile văzduhului, mentionnés dans le dictionnaire bilingue de termes religieux orthodoxes, que nous avons rédigé dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche financé par le CNCSIS de Roumanie et publié l’année dernière chez Doxologia, la Maison d’éditions de la Métropole de Moldavie et de Bucovine.
Intrare bibliografică:
Dumas, F., Exploatarea corpusului de limbă franceză pentru redactarea dicţionarului bilingv român-francez de termeni religioşi ortodocşi, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 85-94.
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- Luminiţa Hoarţă Cărăuşu, Un aspect al morfosintaxei textelor religioase din secolul al XVI-lea: predicatul complex cu operator modal şi aspectual
Such concepts as capability, possibility, necessity and obligation are expressed, in Romanian, by the so-called „modal-auxiliary” verbs: a putea, a trebui, a vrea, a fi, a avea and a veni. These verbs have some specific characteristics.It is generally accepted that the word TIME stands for the concept with which all mankind is familiar, divided into past, present and future. And, one must also underline that it is something independent of language. By TENSE we understand that correspondence between the form of the verb and our concept of time. ASPECT is the manner in which a verbal action is experienced or regarded. In Romanian, the „aspect-auxiliary” verbs are: a începe, a continua, a conteni, a isprăvi, a înceta, a sfîrşi, a termina.
Intrare bibliografică:
Hoarţă Cărăuşu, L., Un aspect al morfosintaxei textelor religioase din secolul al XVI-lea: predicatul complex cu operator modal şi aspectual, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 95-100.
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- Elena Chiaburu, Consideraţii privitoare la raportul dintre epitafe şi inscripţiile săpate pe lespezile funerare
The medieval inscriptions had mostly a religious content, as they were calling for divine help for the names of the dead or alive people they included. The texts on the tomb stones, tomb and commemorative crosses, written in Slavonic, Romanian and Greek, in prose or in verse, include information of real interest from the historical, biographical or genealogical point of view: they offer data about the evolution of the language and the degree of erudition of the creators; they are proof of decorative art, reflect the development of certain crafts as well as the economic status of the members of the society which could afford them. The epitaphs should be analyzed from the point of view of their relation to the inscriptions carved in tomb stones. The matter acquires more importance from the perspective of the achievement of a Corpus of medieval inscriptions, as the inscription collectors had put together all the texts found in field research with others which were only mentioned in the writings of certain forerunners. The gathering, the editing and interpretation of funerary inscriptions necessitate not only the comprehension of epigraphic methods, but also knowledge on the history and culture of the epoch they come from. In order to avoid rendering the quality of an epigraphic source to certain texts which do not really have this characteristic, there is required the collaboration of the specialists in history and philology, who could see the difference between a text found in manuscript and a text carved in stone.
Intrare bibliografică:
Chiaburu, E., Consideraţii privitoare la raportul dintre epitafe şi inscripţiile săpate pe lespezile funerare, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 101-110.
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- Rodica Pop, Întîlnirea filosofiei clasice cu teologia. Problema redimensionării termenilor prosopon, hypostas, philia, agape
In this work we shall attempt to describe the evolution of the terms prosopon and hyposthasis and the difference of nuance in the case of philia and agape within the writings of Platon and of the Capadocians Fathers. We shall show in this way that the Fathers found in the platonic terminology the correct concepts to formulate the dogma. However, they have reconsidered the concepts of the classical philosophy succeeding in this way to express adequately the ineffable of the Christian Revelation.
Intrare bibliografică:
Pop, R., Întîlnirea filosofiei clasice cu teologia. Problema redimensionării termenilor prosopon, hypostas, philia, agape, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 111-122.
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- Iosif Cămară, Singularul cer în cele mai vechi versiuni româneşti
ale oraţiei dominicale
Les plus anciennes versions roumaines de la prière « Notre Père » gardent la forme de singulier ciel, à la place du pluriel demandé par la tradition biblique grecque, latine et viex slave. Egalement présent dans d'autres espaces culturels, ce fait linguistique s'explique soit par l'influence de l'originel hébreu, soit par la circulation orale de la prière, en anticipant le singulier du vers suivant. En roumain, où on ne peut pas parler d'une traduction selon l'originel hébreu aux débuts de l'écrit roumain, la présence de la forme du singulier ciel dans l'oraison dominicale prouve la circulation orale de la prière dans le XVIe siècle. Ce fait démontre également que la prière Notre père est plus ancienne que le premier texte roumain découvert.
Intrare bibliografică:
Cămară, I., Singularul cer în cele mai vechi versiuni româneşti ale oraţiei dominicale, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 123-129.
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- Ionela Ene, Termeni religioşi de origine grecească în Documentele privitoare la istoria oraşului Iaşi
L'article relève quelques particularités lexicales des Documents concernant l'histoire de la ville de Iassy, édités par I. Caproşu, en se rapportant aux termes religieux d'origine grecque qui apparaissent dans ces textes. On mentionne les mots qui ont une plus grande fréquence dans les textes étudiés, qui leur sont spécifiques on qui peuvent constituer le sujet de quelques discussions d'ordre lexical, de sorte qu'on puisse formuler des conclusions relatives aux traits caractéristiques de la langue roumaine du XVII-ème siècle, relevées par l'étude des textes discutés. L'auteur a visé seulement les documents du XVII-ème siècle écrits en roumain.
Intrare bibliografică:
Ene, I., Termeni religioşi de origine grecească în Documentele privitoare la istoria oraşului Iaşi, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 131-142.
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- Elena Spiridon, Elemente de gîndire teoretică regăsite în prefeţele textelor traduse sau editate de mitropolitul Veniamin Costache. Problematica traductologică
Even if it wasn't specific for a de facto philologist, the activity of Metropolitan Veniamin Costache, which marked the beginning of the nineteenth century's culture, displays issues of real interest for philological research. His innovative attitude regarding the translation of ecclesiastical texts is constantly justified in the speeches which represent their preface by legitimate arguments characterized by a surprising force, actuality and validity.
A close look on the preambuls signed by the Moldavian hierarch allows the spotting of some theoretical thinking elements, philological subtleties that can be placed head-on to the ones of his contemporaries.Intrare bibliografică:
Spiridon, E., Elemente de gîndire teoretică regăsite în prefeţele textelor traduse sau editate de mitropolitul Veniamin Costache. Problematica traductologică, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 143-148.
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- Cătălin Vatamanu, Retorica judecăţii divine în Scriptura ebraică
The metaphor of God as supreme judge of humanity always referred in the Hebrew Scriptures to the crisis of man and creation. The disquiet of humanity face of the crisis-judgment is not determined by an impersonal action, hidden in the immutable mechanic of the world, but by the presence of the Creator in the history as her judge.
The Hebrew term for judgment, mishpat, and the verb shaphat bring in close relationship the political idea of justice with the righteousness as divine attribute. God's judgment does not mean the balancing of good and evil, but the punishment of sin as suffering of the society.
The texts Psalm 7, Isaiah 2:2-4 and Joel 4:9-14 (3:9-14 in Hebrew text), written at different times of the history of Israel, are rhetorical reactions to contemporary political situations. In this context, the metaphor of God's judgment, represented by symbolic terms of weapons, of natural cataclysms, of human emotions, is hermeneutical defined by the attributes of divine mercy, grace and justness.Intrare bibliografică:
Vatamanu, C., Retorica judecăţii divine în Scriptura ebraică, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 149-157.
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- Mădălina Andronic-Ungureanu, Aspecte ale traducerii la Dosoftei
L'ouvrage a pour but la discussion d'un ancien texte roumain, Parimiile preste an, publié par Dosoftei, Mitropolite de la Moldavie, à Iaşi, en 1683. À côté des fragments bibliques (parimii), on trouve ici quelques hymnes traduits du slavon dont l'original est aussi réproduit par Dosoftei, ce qui nous permet de suivre une manière assez insolite de traduction: Dosoftei préserve la forme du texte, conformément au principe de la traduction littérale général à l'époque, mais il essaie à la fois réconstituer le sens du texte dans des fragments explicatifs qui accompagnent la traduction proprement-dite. Notre but est de souligner quelques modalités de réalisation cette réconstruction du sens.
Intrare bibliografică:
Andronic-Ungureanu, M., Aspecte ale traducerii la Dosoftei, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 159-168.
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- Maria Stanciu Istrate, Compuse inedite pentru denumirea atributelor divinităţii în vechea română literară
L'auteur étudie un type inédit des mots composés qui à une certaine période de l'histoire de la langue roumaine ont dénommé des attributs du Dieu. Le calque des mots composés slavons qui contenaient l'adjectif pronominal vise à l'aide de l'élément de composition întrutot pourrait être interprété comme un exercice de traduction ou comme une épreuve de lexicalisation d'un nouveau type de composition, proposé par des personnalités de l'époque, tels que les métropolites Varlaam, Dosoftei ou Antim Ivireanul, la contribution desquels au développement de la langue roumaine littéraire est reconnue. Beaucoup plus résistants que les mots composés avec întrutot ont été ceux avec atot à l'initiale. Parmi les termes calqués sur le slavon, seul atotţiitoriu est resté dans le vocabulaire contemporain, en tant que terme spécifique au langage de l'église. Autres atributs dé la divinité, tels que atotputernic, atotştiutor, ont résisté dans le lexique du roumain grâce aux modèles retrouvables dans les langues romanes.
Intrare bibliografică:
Stanciu Istrate, M., Compuse inedite pentru denumirea atributelor divinităţii în vechea română literară, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 169-176.
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- Adina Chirilă, Bogdan George Ţâra, Options et contraintes lexico-semantiques dans les traductions du texte biblique
Reading the Bible, one can see that there are a lot of direct references and allusions, especially in the New Testament, to various precepts, events, and figures presented in the Old Testament. The main purpose of such a connection is to deepen the meaning of a certain fact that is spoken of. Our paper represents the first attempt to see if the translators of the Bible into Romanian recognized this type of connection between the New Testament and the Old Testament, and to observe how they managed to preserve the given biblical allusions and references, knowing the different theories and the specific problems of rendering the Holy Scripture into a vernacular language, and especially into Romanian, during the 17th and the 18th centuries.
Intrare bibliografică:
Chirilă, A., Ţâra, B.G., Options et contraintes lexico-semantiques dans les traductions du texte biblique, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 177-188.
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- Dionisie Constantin Pîrvuloiu, Simbolul de credinţă niceo-constantinopolitan. Observaţii critice privind traducerea românească
The niceno-constantinopolitan creed of 381 is the most important document of christian faith, except The Bible. Here, we do not intend to give a new and normative translation of the creed, but to notice some problems concerning the theological vocabulary of the creed used in liturgy of Romanian Orthodox Theology, comparative with versions used by romano-catholics and Greco-catholics. The Romanian translation of the Creed is old of a few hundred years; so, many words have changed their meaning and, today, we are confronted with the possibility of misunderstanding and confusion. The Romanian theological language is very conservative and the constant duty of theologians and philologists is to clarify and testify the appropriate meaning of the fundamental concepts of Christian Theology. Here, we debate such problems applied to the first two articles of niceno-constantinopolitan creed.
Intrare bibliografică:
Pîrvuloiu, D.C., Simbolul de credinţă niceo-constantinopolitan. Observaţii critice privind traducerea românească, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 189-203.
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- Alexandru Gafton, Asupra unei traduceri din Noul Testament de la Bălgrad
Le 15e verset du troisième chapitre de l'Épître de Jacques ne présente qu'une seule différence de traduction dans le NTB et les versions datant du XVIe siècle, aussi bien que dans la BB. Apparemment insignifiante, elle a pour conséquence non seulement des différences survenues dans la compréhension du texte, mais elle fait aussi que les CB, CP, CV et BB soit chargées d'une erreur de traduction. En outre, le cas est significatif pour les limites de la traduction, dont le premier but n'est pas l'éclaircissement du lecteur, mais seule la littéralité du texte.
Intrare bibliografică:
Gafton, A., Asupra unei traduceri din Noul Testament de la Bălgrad, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 205-207.
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Retorica discursului religios
- Vasile D. Ţâra, Predicile lui Petru Maior, un moment de referinţă în evoluţia discursului omiletic românesc
L'oeuvre homilétique de Petru Maior a contribué de manière décisive au renouvellement et à l'occidentalisation du discours religieux dans les églises des roumains. Dans l'élaboration de ses prédications, le théologien uniate, qui a fait ses études à Rome et à Vienne, a combiné harmonieusement le modèle des sermons du moine jésuite Paolo Segneri avec les traditions homilétiques byzantine et roumaine. Par leur contenu, par leur forme et par leur présentation orale, les 129 prédications publiées par P. Maior ont changé profondément le discours homilétique roumain qui est devenu un moyen d'éducation religieuse et civique des chrétiens et un modèle d'organisation stylistique, rhétorique et linguistique pour la conception du discours religieux des roumains.
Intrare bibliografică:
Ţâra, V.D., Predicile lui Petru Maior, un moment de referinţă în evoluţia discursului omiletic românesc, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 211-220.
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- Maria Cătănescu, Retorica amplificării la Varlaam – cu referire la Răspunsul împotriva Catihismusului calvinesc
Le but de notre étude est dʹexaminer lʹamplificatio, stratégie rhétorique essentielle chez Varlaam, dans un texte de polémique écclésiastique. Le commentaire met en évidence lʹefficacité argumentative–persuasive des trois procédés dʹamplification; les définitions, les séquences de (type) correctio et les citations dʹautorité.
Intrare bibliografică:
Cătănescu, M., Retorica amplificării la Varlaam – cu referire la Răspunsul împotriva Catihismusului calvinesc, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 221-226.
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- Laura Bădescu, Early History of Books of Curses in Romania - Between Ecclesiastical Common Law and Canon Law
The article proposes to outline a multiple interconnection of social, political, economic and cultural factors through which the books of curses gained juridical autonomy in the 18th century, both within church courts and princely (civilian) courts.
Intrare bibliografică:
Bădescu, L., Early History of Books of Curses in Romania - Between Ecclesiastical Common Law and Canon Law, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 227-238.
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- Ştefan Afloroaei, Despre pregătirea în vederea lecturii unei pagini de teologie
In this article I review certain essential requirements before reading a theological text, requirements that were frequently emphasized in patristic or neo-patristic literature. I will first make reference to Nicetas Stethatos and his Introduction to the Hymns of St. Symeon the New Theologian. There he mentions the “cleansing of passions” as one of such inescapable requirements. He then immediately calls it a “philosophical act”, a philosophy with a practical and preparatory sense. Next, I will focus on certain attitudes related to this preparatory philosophy: the reorientation of the attention (visio speculativa), a new understanding of the temporal world and of the self, the caution in regard to allegorical reading and the assumption of truths in paradoxical or antinomic sentences.
Intrare bibliografică:
Afloroaei, Ş., Despre pregătirea în vederea lecturii unei pagini de teologie, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 239-249.
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- Traian Diaconescu, Antim Ivireanul - structura retorică şi strategia argumentativă în Didahii
In the present paper, the author examines, from a historical-comparative perspective, the rhetorical structure, the argumentative strategies and the discoursive functions in Antim Ivireanul's Didahiile, by focusing on their creativity and on the Wallachian Metropolitan's place in the history of the Christian oratory, both Romanian and European.
Intrare bibliografică:
Diaconescu, T., Antim Ivireanul - structura retorică şi strategia argumentativă în Didahii, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 251-254.
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- Ilie Melniciuc-Puică, Paradoxurile parabolei iconomului necredincios (Lc. 16, 1-8)
The Unjust Steward Parable (Lk 16: 1-8) raises several issues of biblical exegesis, about the virtue of morality that can win the kingdom of heaven. The outlined paradoxes stand in reference with the unfair use of master's wealth, the economic criteria of the loan and the conversion of property acquired in this world into the lasting values and wisdom of ministry.
Once the link between God and wealth has been identified, it is clear that it is unable to serve both masters and, as such, the problem becomes obvious.Intrare bibliografică:
Melniciuc-Puică, I., Paradoxurile parabolei iconomului necredincios (Lc. 16, 1-8), în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 255-267.
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- Constantin Răchită, Hieronymus narrator. Structură, argumentare şi mesaj în Epistola I către Innocentius
Viewed from a modern perspective, the rhetoric has been considered either as a strategy of persuasion, of eloquence valuating, either as a description technique of the language in its relations with the things. Given the structural nature of ancient rhetoric and the tendency of ancient writers to submit any type of speech to a rhetorical construction, the present study aims to analyze several aspects of this reality. As one of the early writings of Hieronymus, Epistle I ad Innocentium emphasizes a stage of the creation of the Christian author, when the influence of the rhetorical studies was still felt.
Intrare bibliografică:
Răchită, C., Hieronymus narrator. Structură, argumentare şi mesaj în Epistola I către Innocentius, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 269-277.
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- Mihai Daniel Isai, From the Holy Tradition to the concept of tradition - the source of different rhetorics
Dans cet article, la place centrale est occupée par la notion de tradition qui a comme source principale la révélation chrétienne et qui, jusqu'à notre modernité tardive, parcourt un tracé sinueux, chargé de récusations, limitations, fragmentations, de sorte que de nos jours, on se situe dans un autre paradigme, celui de l'homme qui a perdu une grande partie de la signification des héritages de son propre passé. Les moments de l'histoire tels la Réforme, l'Illuminisme, les courants philosophiques (le pragmatisme, le rationalisme), les totalitarismes du 20ème siècle, le capitalisme, ont représenté des défis et de continuelles remises en cause de la tradition. La modernité institutionnalise les idées de nouveauté, d'émancipation et de progrès continuel et de cette manière, ce qui vient par voie de l'héritage est encadré dans le domaine des préjugés. D'après certains, la modernité tardive, d'après d'autres auteurs, la postmodernité nous situe en face d'une multitude de traditions, qui, sur le fond de la globalisation, se décomposent dans des molécules culturelles qui ensuite se combinent de nouveau dans des produits de synthèse et créent un effet de anéantisation. Dans le contexte du monde d'aujourd'hui, pour faire face aux défis, la culture européenne a besoin d'un retour aux sources, à la matrice universelle de la pensée patristique, qui s'est cristallisée quand la chrétienté était une seule réligion non séparée.
Intrare bibliografică:
Isai, M.D., From the Holy Tradition to the concept of tradition - the source of different rhetorics, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 279-292.
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- Marius Daniel Oprescu, „Treime sau Logos la stejarul Mamvri?” O cercetare istorico - dogmatică
The study has in the centre of analysis the moment described by Moses The Prophet in chapter XVIII, Genesis, well known as „Teophany” from Mamvri Oak Tree. I have tried to follow the way of interpretation applied to this text by The Holly Fathers and the meanings which come out of here.
The way of understanding words like teofany and epiphany is very important for using the right on in the Mamvri context.
The interpretation of the text was made starting from Saint Justin The Martyr and The Philosopher's point of view, the first who studied the interpretation of this part of the Holy Bible, enleghtened and developed also by other Holy Fathers and even by theologs from the contemporany period.
I consider that study is useful in the sense of development or explanation of the chapter related to „The discovery of the Holy Trinity in The Old Testament”, that we find presented in the doctrine of Christian faith.Intrare bibliografică:
Oprescu, M.D., „Treime sau Logos la stejarul Mamvri?” O cercetare istorico - dogmatică, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 293-297.
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- Valentin Trifescu, Le message des églises médiévales roumaines de Ribiţa et de Crişcior
This paper analyses some architectural and pictorial details of the Transylvanian churches from Ribiţa and Crişcior, which were built at the beginning of the 15th century. We discuss the votive picture and the scene of the three holy Hungarian kings by trying to find the origin of the builders, the artistic models that were followed, and the confessional message.
Intrare bibliografică:
Trifescu, V., Le message des églises médiévales roumaines de Ribiţa et de Crişcior, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 299-307.
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- Ioana-Tatiana Ciocan, Picu Pătruţ şi transpunerea textului sacru în formă miniaturală şi poetică
L'essai suivant présente une personnalité complexe du XIXè siècle, poète populaire, miniaturiste, sacristain: Picu Pătruţ de Săliştea Sibiului. Paysan autodidacte, il a réussi, d'une manière personelle, à transposer le texte sacré en forme miniaturelle et poetique. Son oeuvre doit être connue, parce que ses miniatures, ses poèmes, ses chansons ou ses drames religieux démontrent la synthèse du génie populaire roumain.
Intrare bibliografică:
Ciocan, I.T., Picu Pătruţ şi transpunerea textului sacru în formă miniaturală şi poetică, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 309-316.
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- Sorin Cristian Semeniuc, God in the discourse of Romania's President, Traian Băsescu
Dans un Etat où l'Eglise est l'une des institutions dans lesquelles les électeurs investissent un degré très levé de confiance, le politicien roumain se sent obligé d'adapter son discours afin qu'il puisse les convaincre du fait qu'il s'identifie totalement avec la valeur commune, suprême et indiscutable: Dieu.
Des trois présidents qui ont dirigé la Roumanie après 1989, le chef d'Etat actuel, Traian Băsescu, est probablement celui qui s'est adapté le mieux à ces attentes du point de vue du discours.Intrare bibliografică:
Semeniuc, S.C., God in the discourse of Romania's President, Traian Băsescu, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 317-328.
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- Petronela Savin, Images of Edible Plants in Some Biblical Phraseological Structures. A cultural perspective
This paper represents an investigation of some phraseological structures with biblical correspondence in the context of Romanian phraseological field of edible plants, from a cultural perspective, given that it is only more recently that the cultural foundation of phraseology has been duly noticed as playing an important role.
We agree with the statement made by Piirainen (2007) according to which there can be no adequate description of phrasemes and the way they function in a language without regard to culture, since in many cases culturally based concepts govern the inference from literal to figurative. In this article, we shall attempt to analyze the way in which the biblical representations related to the food act, on which Romanian phraseological structures rely, are part of real paradigms of meaning depending on the position that edible plants occupy in the popular mind.
This approach subsumes the ethnolinguistics, providing an answer to Eugeniu Coşeriu's (1996) challenge regarding the study of language from the perspective of culture's universality and having in mind the various demands of linguistic research which, as compared with other subjects, entails the most numerous connections with the man's way of being and with all the human activities in general.Intrare bibliografică:
Savin, P., Images of Edible Plants in Some Biblical Phraseological Structures. A cultural perspective, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 329-334.
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- Daniela Obreja Răducănescu, Discursul religios - discurs specializat
Defining the religious discourse as a specialized speech involves its individualisation among other forms of speech and identification of the types of religious speeches practiced today in the Church's missionary activity. The autonomy with which the current religious speech is endowed is given by the functions that the ecclesiastical institution fulfils. Each religious expression imposes a religious discourse that defines a profile or a type of religious discourse. All is aimed at the conviction of the audience of the Biblical message and the impression of an adequate pragmatic behaviour.
Intrare bibliografică:
Obreja Răducănescu, D., Discursul religios - discurs specializat, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 335-344.
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- Maria Dărescu, Deixis-ul personal, temporal şi spaţial în discursul religios din cadrul cultului creştin ortodox
Le terme de deixis suppose l'utilisation des pronom personnels, des pronoms démonstratifs et des certains adverbes de temps et de lieu. Dans la littérature de spécialité, on distingue six types de deixis: personnel, temporelle, spatial, textuel et descriptif. Cet article fait une analyse seulement du deixis personnel, temporelle et spatial dans le discours religieux du culte chrétien orthodoxe.
Intrare bibliografică:
Dărescu, M., Deixis-ul personal, temporal şi spaţial în discursul religios din cadrul cultului creştin ortodox, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 345-352.
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- Daniel Cămară, Sărbătoarea Cincizecimii - modelul înălţării de la discursul religios la cuvîntarea de Dumnezeu
As the hymns from the Penticostarian specific to the Holy Pentecost reveals to us, The Holy Spirit, the one „who spoke by the prophets”, He came in the world, „making prophecies flow, perfects priest, taught the unlettered wisdom, revealed fishermen to be theologicians”, so that they could speak about „the abundance of divine knowledge”. As long as the fishermen become „the wisest” and the „God speakers”, their preach was not supposed to be the fruit of their orator skill, but the fruit of the Holy Spirit who dwelt inside them. Thus, the Holy Disciples didn't speak about God, but God spoke by them. Even an atheist is able to speak about God, but only a man having the Holy Spirit inside him can be a theologian. His entire transfigured being is speaking about God. A theologian doesn't speak „a rational discourse”, but „a word” or „a message”- he is the one who speaks the words of God.
Thus, we reach the conclusion that, even if we speak about God in our religious discourses, the real christian aim is the one of becoming „theologians”, when we no longer speak about God, but God is The One Who speaks by us.Intrare bibliografică:
Cămară, D., Sărbătoarea Cincizecimii - modelul înălţării de la discursul religios la cuvîntarea de Dumnezeu, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 353-362.
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- Andreea Răşcanu, Citarea ca tehnică persuasivă în predica părintelui Cleopa
Dans ce texte il s'agit de la citation comme technique de la persuation. J'ai traité la citation dans les interview du moine Cleopa. J'ai lu beaucoup d'interview mais j'ai cité seulement le volume 9, dans la série «Ne vorbeşte Părintele Cleopa».
Intrare bibliografică:
Răşcanu, A., Citarea ca tehnică persuasivă în predica părintelui Cleopa, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 363-372.
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Literatura şi sacrul
- Sabina Ispas, Hypostases du végétal dans la spiritualité roumaine
The paper examines the ethnological values of the vegetational essences, wood in particular, developed within Romanian folklore. The authors outlines several symbolic functions of various tree in different folklorical works, with emphasis on their religious valences.
Intrare bibliografică:
Ispas, S., Hypostases du végétal dans la spiritualité roumaine, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 375-392.
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- Lucia Afloroaei, Reprezentarea sacrului în folclorul religios românesc: influenţa discutabilă a dualismului oriental
In the present work I intend to reconsider a series of considerations in regard to one of the most frequent Romanian cosmogonic myths. It is the myth in which the world is created by God (named Fîrtate) together with his adversary (Nefîrtate) and is then continued together with all the other creatures. I note that the hypothesis of a radical cosmogonic dualism, as presented by certain exegetes, cannot be supported. Consequently, I will draw attention to the more cautious perspectives on cosmogonic dualism (Mircea Eliade, Ioan Petru Culianu and others). In the end, starting from one of Constantin Noica's works, I propose the hypothesis of a dissymmetrical and oriented dualism, which may allow a better understanding of that cosmogonic scenario.
Intrare bibliografică:
Afloroaei, L., Reprezentarea sacrului în folclorul religios românesc: influenţa discutabilă a dualismului oriental, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 393-402.
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- Muguraş Constantinescu, Problèmes de traduction du langage religieux du roman Le Curé de Tours de Balzac
The study aims at revealing the translation choices found in various Romanian versions of Balzac's Le Curé de Tours. The author investigates various translation options and interprets them in line with the linguistic and stylistic resources of the Romanian language.
Intrare bibliografică:
Constantinescu, M., Problèmes de traduction du langage religieux du roman Le Curé de Tours de Balzac, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 403-413.
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- Gheorghe Manolache, Religion and National Identity in Eminescu's Articles and Fragmentarium
L'auteur étudie les considerations de Mihai Eminescu sur la religion, avec l'accent sur ses opinions au sujet de l'influence des faits religieux sur l'esprit collectif.
Intrare bibliografică:
Manolache, G., Religion and National Identity in Eminescu's Articles and Fragmentarium, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 415-428.
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- Roxana Patraş, Swinburne şi idolii forului: cîteva ipostaze ale revoltei
The paper entitled Swinburne and the Forum Idols. A Few Facets of Riot forwards a cluster of presumptions on the complex interactions between the Protestant religious ground and the new tenets of “art for art's sake” within the specific frame of Algernon Charles Swinburne's work. The main point is that, notwithstanding the optimist paradigm of general progress, the post-Romantic cultural context engenders queer relapsing Neoconservative ebbs such as the Oxford movement (lately known as “Tractarianism”) or the Pre Raphaelite movement (bestirred by the same academic community). Taking Swinburne as a case appropriate for our inquiry – as he revolved a consistent period of time round Dante Gabriel Rossetti's circle – the essay fathoms into the veiled links between a “fleshy” school of poetry and the ascetic moods of the Anglican High Church.
Intrare bibliografică:
Patraş, R., Swinburne şi idolii forului: cîteva ipostaze ale revoltei, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 429-434.
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- Elena Isai, Ein vergleichender Überblick über die Beziehung zwischen dem Mythos und der Literatur Kain und Abel
Le XX-ème siècle rend une autre point de vue du rapport culture-mythe respectivement littérature-mythe pour la mise en évidence duquel il est nécessaire une vue rétrospective. Le monde modern prouve une attraction irrésistible pour le monde imaginaire, fascination expliquée soit par la priorité de la vie nocturne de l'esprit, soit par le besoin de l'homme de spiritualité dans une civilisation moderne où la régression de la spiritualité est évidente. Par l'élimination des préjugés du mythe comme légende, narration des l'événements fantastique d'origine populaire on a essayé de mettre en évidence la valeur de vérité du mythe et la caractéristique de la conscience mythique. Le mythe représente la première connaissance du soi-même de l'homme et de l'environnement, une histoire vrai, sacré, exemplaire et normatif qui a une signification spécifique et comporte une répétition et qui crée une tradition et le rituel maintient le monde au sein du sacre. Dans la but de l'analyse de la tradition mythique et de la manière dont elle se prolonge dans la culture actuelle et des relations qui s'installent ente mythe et littérature, j'ai choisi l'analyse d'un mythe biblique, celui des frère rivaux Abel et Caïn.
Intrare bibliografică:
Isai, E., Ein vergleichender Überblick über die Beziehung zwischen dem Mythos und der Literatur Kain und Abel, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 435-449.
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- Antonio Patraş, Timpul trăirii, timpul mărturisirii. Pagini din arhiva Pillat
The essay A Time to Live, A Time to Confess. A Few Pages from the Pillat's Archive brings to the fore a series of documents that account for the specific features of Dinu Pillat's posthumous novel, “Aşteptînd ceasul de apoi” (“Waiting for the Time to Come”). This novel develops the political theme of the Legionary movement (a Romanian variant of the Fascism that nevertheless anchors into definite religious bedding). Because of its Legionary inflections, Dinu Pillat was sent to jail by the Communist Party, yielding himself on the accused bench shoulder to shoulder with other important intellectuals such as Constantin Noica, Aexandru Paleologu or Nicolae Steinhard. The paper relates the novel with the Pillat letters so as to evince the humanist ethical dimension of aesthetic pursuits.
Intrare bibliografică:
Patraş, A., Timpul trăirii, timpul mărturisirii. Pagini din arhiva Pillat, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 451-459.
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- Lucreţia Vasilescu, L'Histoire Lausiaque ou comment être sauvé
The Lausiac History is an edifying book, a profession of our faith in the Living God, of a spirituality that is defining for Orthodoxy.
Palladius knew the community of the Desert Fathers first-hand, as he was a man of God during his entire stay in Egypt. „I have a secret purpose and God knows my heart,” Abba Natanael would say. It was the purpose of all those who left the world in order to lead in the desert a life full of deprivation and temptation: to achieve inner peace, and perfection.
The desert is a space that does not belong to the monk: it is a reality different from lay experience, it means overcoming a barrier, crossing a border, it is a painstaking search, full of courage and boldness.
The encounter with these venerable men and women occasions an opening towards one's own soul. By means of prayer, humility, delicacy, simplicity, lovingkindness, the Desert Fathers climbed the steps towards their salvation.
In a hecic world that apreciates material wealth and transient pleasures, the voice of the Desert Fathers calls us to spirituality and inner life.Intrare bibliografică:
Vasilescu, L., L'Histoire Lausiaque ou comment être sauvé, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 461-468.
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- Constantin Dram, Diavolul şi bunul bolşevic. „Judecata” de la Moscova
The true actors who grasp from the beginning to the very end what comes to pass (in two distinct, intersected novels) are the Bolshevik-poet Ivan and, of course, Woland, a teacher, foreign magus, consultant and ultimately Satan, the one who came to see (re-see) Moscow and any changes that could subtly concern the Muscovites. Reading the novel from the perspective of a visible, non-articulated dialogue between the two reveals things just as interesting and challenging as the complex interpretation of a pseudo-reading of a love story between two characters who are only brought together in the last scene of the novel, the master and his lover, Margarita. The “Judgment” pertains to a world, a history, a sum of ideologies.
Intrare bibliografică:
Dram, C., Diavolul şi bunul bolşevic. „Judecata” de la Moscova, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 469-476.
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- Alina Ţiţei, El «chivo» como símbolo mítico-religioso en La Fiesta del Chivo de Mario Vargas Llosa
The goat is a symbolic animal which bears multiple mythological and religious connotations. Consecrated to Dionysus in ancienGreece, the goat stands for lasciviousness, lust and unbridled sexuality. For the Israelites it was the propitiatory beast - the scapegoat - abandoned in the desert carrying the sins of the people. In Medieval iconography the goat's horns and feet were the attributes of the devil; moreover, it was the obscene saddle of witches. The present article intends to meet these significations in the analysis of the dictatorial figure of Mario Vargas Llosa's novel, Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, suggestively dubbed the Goat, and to establish a series of symbolic analogies between the negative characteristics of the demonic creature and the idiosyncrasy of the Caribbean tyrant from the triple perspective of mythology, anthropology and religion.
Intrare bibliografică:
Ţiţei, A., El «chivo» como símbolo mítico-religioso en La Fiesta del Chivo de Mario Vargas Llosa, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 477-486.
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- Viorella Manolache, Între secundarizare şi istoria emoţiilor: religia trans-
The present study approaches the fact that postmodernity becomes intimately linked with its alternative currents through a local causality.
Transmodernity opens the way to a special knowledge, through revelation, and not by the «complexes of culture» assumed by modernism and postmodernism, in the light of the relativism that accompanies any change of cultural paradigm.
Posing into a common equation religion and governance, the present study will consider that a non-religious life of the secular modernity will be ornamented again by the religious institutions and meanings. The tolerance toward diversity, the antipathy toward traditional hierarchies, the fixation on informational technologies - become the flagrant hallmark of the period of transition, where even theology becomes trans-consolidated through a critical method, abandoned by the classics a long time ago.Intrare bibliografică:
Manolache, V., Între secundarizare şi istoria emoţiilor: religia trans-, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 487-494.
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- Maria Giosanu, Istoria unei cărţi de cult cu multiple valenţe poetice: Triodul
Parmi les anciens livres de l'eglise, important pour le recherche d'èvolution de la langue roumaine litteraire- on comte le Triod. C'est un livre d'office dont contenue poètique le range parmi les livres liturgiques très difficiles à être traduits. Le difficultes ont été d'ordre theologique-dogmatique et musical. C'est pourquoi il a été traduit en roumain assez tard, seulement au XVIII-ième siècle. Indispensable pour offices de la periode du Triode, l'une des tierces pars de l'annèe liturgique de l'eglise orthodoxe, le livre a été traduit plusieurs fois pendant la seconde moitié du XVIII-ième siècle. Fruit d'une prolongée et complexe évolution, qui a duré a peux près neufe siècles, l'epoque d'or de la créativitè byzantine, le Triode a connu un large circulation dans l'espace oriental.
Intrare bibliografică:
Giosanu, M., Istoria unei cărţi de cult cu multiple valenţe poetice: Triodul, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 495-502.
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- Maria-Carmen Bolocan, “Diary of happiness” - Hypothesis of the Christian Completion
The paper examines one the most interesting autobiographical works in the Romanian culture, the Diary of happiness, written by Nicolae Steinhardt, the monk Nicolae of Rohia, one of the survivors of the communist political prisons.
Intrare bibliografică:
Bolocan, M.C., “Diary of happiness” - Hypothesis of the Christian Completion, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 503-513.
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- Carmen Potlog, Poetics of the Sacred in Lucian Blaga's poetry
En cet article, nous avons étudié l'art de créer subtilement une atmosphère mythique sigficant dans tout le poème lyrique de Blaga. Nous avons considéré la relation Je-multiple, et la liaison Dieu-homme. Nous avons également étudié la capacité du poèt de plastifier ses idées, de donner ses abstractions dans les formes concrètes, qui montre une puissance remarquable de matérialiser.
Intrare bibliografică:
Potlog, C., Poetics of the Sacred in Lucian Blaga's poetry, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 515-520.
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- Anca-Narcisa Leizeriuc, Re-cunoaşterea sacrului la Mircea Eliade şi noutatea fantasticului mitologic
La seule façon de sauver l'être humain de la déshumanisation c'est le retour à la connaissance originaire du sacre. La conception chrétienne de l'incarnation de Dieu comme être humain change le trajet de l'histoire et fait que le miracle soit découvert sous les choses le plus anodinnes. La fusion entre le mythe et la littérature fantastique donne une nouvelle formule, tout originale par la théorie des univers parallèles, le sacre et le profan, par la théorie du camouflage de la sacralité.
Intrare bibliografică:
Leizeriuc, A.N., Re-cunoaşterea sacrului la Mircea Eliade şi noutatea fantasticului mitologic, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 521-529.
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- Florin Ţupu, Aspecte ale teologiei, ca interfaţă între religie şi literatură, în spaţiul românesc postbelic
Viewed in a strictly literal sense, as a science of God, theology is much more than that, it is a super-science, forasmuch God cannot be talked about, but only in absolute terms. On the other hand, as a mutation in paradigm of modern contemporary science, true science presumes conscience. Having a religious function and being used by its kerygmatic and soteriological character, theology could imply literature towards to a well specified purpose, investing it with a certain power. The post-war context, marked by communist ideology, but still under the sign of interwar modern cultural influence, had established a certain status of theology and literature, first of all subversive. To those periods were specified prisons and censorship policy, compromises with communist regime. If theological messengers are to reproach for a lack of integrator visions of values to incorporate a historical conscience, have existed, however, voices between theologians, with a large opening to debate ideas, as Teodor M. Popescu, Dumitru Staniloaie and, even if he was later spotted, André Scrima. Other theologians expressed their religious beliefs, using a profound theological literary writings.
Intrare bibliografică:
Ţupu, F., Aspecte ale teologiei, ca interfaţă între religie şi literatură, în spaţiul românesc postbelic, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 531-541.
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- Emanuela Ilie, Călugăriţe pe schiuri şi alte revelaţii poetice ale părintelui Ioan Pintea
Cette étude est conçue comme une analyse d'un livre de poèmes écrits par Ioan Pintea: La Maison du Charpentier. Vu le statut professionnel particulier de l'auteur (Ioan Pintea fonctionne comme prêtre en Bistriţa), la vision herméneutique este tentée d'explorer, premièrement, la rhétorique sacerdotale spécifique et les signes linguistiques qui témoigneraient de la vision ecclésiastique du poète (Dieu, ange, moine/religieuse etc.). Quand-même, ce genre de topoï est converti subtilement par une instance poétique pour laquelle compte également l'intertexte religieux et celui laïque, la propension vers les mystères profondes et les plus communs détails, le métaphysique et le physiologique, finalement, le vocable à l'odeur d'antan et le mot qui a perdu toute vertu métaphysique. Une instance qui croit, finalement, à la force de la révélation à double nature: poétique et ontologique.
Intrare bibliografică:
Ilie, E., Călugăriţe pe schiuri şi alte revelaţii poetice ale părintelui Ioan Pintea, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 543-551.
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- Diana Cuşmerenco, Credinţa ca salvare ontologică în romanele lui Dostoievski
Our study is based upon the idea that Dostoevskyan characters find relief, salvation and fulfillment or, in other words, find themselves through faith. It is a fact that in the novels of Russian writer love for God is a central matter. Through the love for God and for their neighbor, Dostoevsky's characters are able to purify their souls and, by doing that, to ascend morally and spiritually. Thus, these characters succeed in defeating their tragic destiny. In this space so closed and dark like a tricky labyrinth, in which they often lose themselves, God is like a guiding and beneficial light or, more precisely, a Center. Once arrived in this central point that represents Divine Light Itself, the characters feel like they finally arrived home.
Intrare bibliografică:
Cuşmerenco, D., Credinţa ca salvare ontologică în romanele lui Dostoievski, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 553-560.
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- Dragoş Zetu, The Christian Foundation of the American Civil Religion
La perception générale est que tous les Américains, à l'exception notable des Natifs américains, sont des immigrés ou descendants des immigrés. À l'origines, l'Amérique n'était pas un pays des immigrés mais des colonistes, presque tous venus des Îles Britanniques aux 17ème et 18ème siècles. La différence entre les deux concepts, colonistes et immigrés est d'importance capitale en ce qui concerne l'histoire de la formation d'une identité américaine. L'auteur de cet article étudie cette distinction.
Intrare bibliografică:
Zetu, D., The Christian Foundation of the American Civil Religion, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 561-570.
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- Claudia Ciobanu, Imaginea crucii în poeziile lui Radu Gyr
L'existence de Radu Gyr a été marquée par de longues périodes de détention et d'interdictions. C'est pourquoi il est absolument nécessaire de retourner aux poèmes du grand écrivain pour redécouvrir les valeurs de son idéal artistique et religieux. Avant l'analyse des significations du motif de la croix dans la poésie de Radu Gyr, on considère utile une démarche de compréhension du de symbole de l'intérieure du christianisme. La croix est la preuve de l'union de l'être humain avec la divinité. Dans la poésie de Radu Gyr, la piété, la compassion et la sensibilité sont exprimées d'une manière expressive, tout ce qui est mauvais, douloureux dans l'univers physique étant sublimé dans une chaude prière, pour assumer le destin de martyre.
Que ce soit la croix de Jésus ou la croix du destin humain, le symbole sacré développe, dans la poésie de Radu Gyr, toute un panorama d'une remarquable plasticité et dirige la lecture vers le grand, l'authentique Sens.Intrare bibliografică:
Ciobanu, C., Imaginea crucii în poeziile lui Radu Gyr, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 571-578.
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- Ovidiu Pop-Brâncuş, Sfîntul Vasile cel Mare şi revalorizarea literaturii antichităţii păgîne: Omilia către tineri
Le curriculum personnel, la vie, l'éducation solide et sa vaste culture, on a posé l'empreinte sur toute l'activité et sur l'oeuvre écrite de Saint Basile. Ainsi s'explique même son effort de sauver le trésor de la culture classique. Saint Basile se propose de le récupérer sélectivement, s'appuyant sur le critère de la moralité, de la valeur soteriologique et du dogme chrétien.
Le but de cet opuscule est aussi, comme partout chez Saint Basile, l'éducation, l'édification. Ce rapprochement aux oeuvres du passé est conçu comme un exercice, comme un antraînement avant d'aborder plus facilement et de comprendre plus profondément Les Saints Livres et le dogme chrétien.
Ainsi, outrepassant la kalokagathía, axée sur le physique et l'intellect, à fin d'avoir succès dans cette vie, on arrive à la teleiótes, l'achèvement ayant dans le centre et s'appuyant sur l'édification spirituelle, avec l'espérance d'atteindre la théosis et la vie éternelle.Intrare bibliografică:
Pop-Brâncuş, O., Sfîntul Vasile cel Mare şi revalorizarea literaturii antichităţii păgîne: Omilia către tineri, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 579-585.
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- Marina Vraciu, Merişor Dominte, Stelian Onică, Să vezi invizibilul ori despre spiritual în artă
The paper explores the correlation between the visual and the theoretical discourse of the Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky, whose universality is structured on the adaptation of modern modalities used to render the traditional essences.
Intrare bibliografică:
Vraciu, M., Dominte, M., Onică, S., Să vezi invizibilul ori despre spiritual în artă, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 3/2011, p. 587-595.
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