Volumul al V-lea (2013)

Cuvînt înainte

Cuvinte de întîmpinare

  • Î.P.S. Teofan Savu, Puterea tămăduitoare a cuvîntului
  • P.S. Petru Gherghel, Cuvîntul
  • Sabina Ispas, Le Maître Manole et le Monastère d’Argis
  • Costion Nicolescu, La poésie – voie dans la rencontre avec Dieu

Traducerea textului sacru

  • Gheorghe Chivu, Le texte religieux – modèle dans la littérature roumaine ancienne – de la reprise fidèle, par adaptation, vers la laïcisation
  • Eugenia Dima, Vechiul Testament nella versione di Daniil Panoneanul e la Biblia de la 1688
  • Ioan Mihoc, The Spirit and the Flesh in the Pauline Anthropological Vocabulary
  • Iulian Farauanu, AT e NT nel discorso sul popolo di Dio nell’Apocalisse
  • Marian Vild, The Aramaic maranatha in 1 Cor 16:22. Translation Queries and Their Theological Implications
  • Alexandru Mihăilă, The Holy War in the Book of the Judges: Some Remarks on the Song of Deborah
  • Delia Cristina Petreanu, Hebrews 11:17-19, a Hermeneutical Analysis from the Perspective of the Hebrew Authors’ Reference to the Old Testament
  • Cătălin Vatamanu, Theological Significations of Hebrew Terms Regarding Education
  • Roxana Vieru, Some Elements of Hungarian Origin in Noul Testament de la Bălgrad (1648)

Retorica discursului religios

  • Maria Cătănescu, Variants of the Thematic Description in the Medieval Romanian Texts – Religious Monuments
  • Ilie Melniciuc-Puică, Biblical Intertextuality in St. Ambrose's Expositio evangelii secundum Lucam
  • Rodica Pop, (De)sign with Philosophers and Saints: Why Does Plato Appear on the Walls of the Orthodox Churches?
  • Valentin Trifesco, Écrire l’histoire de l’art pendant la guerre. Les églises en bois des Roumains de Transylvanie dans l’historiographie hongroise de 1940
  • Viorella Manolache, Parallel Reliogiosity: an Interval Reality of the Participatory Experience
  • Constantin-Ionuţ Mihai, Aspetti della synkrisis nell’«Encomio di Origene» attribuito a Gregorio il Taumaturgo
  • Marius Daniel Oprescu, Dogma and the Desire to Express Mystery
  • Elena Chiaburu, An Insufficiently Cleared Chapter from the History of the Romanian Print: the Case on Stoica Iacovici – an Approach from the Perspective of the Canon Law
  • Marius Gabriel Enacache, Samuil Clain de Sad's Rhetoric in Obituaries
  • Ovidiu Adrian Enacache, Argumentative Strategies in Cuvînt de îngropare vechiului Ştefan voevod, domnul Moldovei, ce s'a numit «mare» pentru marile vrednicii şi vitejii ale sale
  • Marin Octavian Duminică, Le discours de chaire – moyen de communication publique
  • Carmen Maria Bolocan, The Priest and the Teacher According to Simion Mehedinţi’s Perspective
  • Roxana Patraş, Religious Elements in the Romanian Political Oratory: from 1848’ Spring of Nations to 1877’s Independence War
  • Ioan Milică, Christian Imagery in Romanian Folk Plant Names

Literatura şi sacrul

  • Petru Pistol, L’Epitomé lactancien des Institutions divines – le même autre livre
  • Dumitrina Gazzi, Seul Dieu a le droit de me réveiller
  • Dorin Ştefănescu, «La découverte incarnée». Dire poétique et inter-dit divin
  • Lucreţia Vasilescu, Desert Spirituality: Amma, a Spiritual Directress
  • Livia Iacob, La experiencia de lo sagrado en la poesía mística de Teresa de Ávila
  • Mihaela Grădinariu, Le journal d’Alice Botez- pèlerinage de la solitude
  • Monica Oancă, Rediscovering Evelyn Waugh’s Helena: an Orthodox Approach
  • Carmen Mihaela Potlog, Octavian Goga. Lyrical Messianism
  • Petronela Ţebrean, La poésie – cadre de la déchirure intérieure
  • Daniela Duminică, Life and End in the Poem The life of the world

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