Volumul al VIII-lea (2016)
Cuvînt înainte
Cuvînt de întîmpinare
- Gheorghe Chivu, Alfabetele vechilor noastre scrieri bisericeşti
There was an interaction and an almost indispensable relationship between the religion or confesion of the Romanian collectivities in the early centuries of our literary language and the graphic „layer” of the texts they used or were intended for them. The texts printed or transcribed for the Orthodox Romanians used on a regular bases the Cyrillic alphabet, whereas the manuscripts and the books created for the Romanians converted to Calvinism or Catholicism were printed or transcribed with Latin alphabet using Hungarian writing system. For the use of the Greek-Catholic believers, besides the books with Cyrillic alphabet, which represented a major part, there were printed religious texts with etymological alphabet, underlining once more the fact that they had a different confesion from Calvinist or Catholic Romanians.
Intrare bibliografică:
Chivu, G., Alfabetele vechilor noastre scrieri bisericeşti, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 9-19.
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Traducerea textului sacru
- Mădălina Ungureanu, L’identification de la source de la traduction des péricopes bibliques dans „Parimiile preste an” (Dosoftei, Iaşi, 1683) à partir de l’analyse des noms propres
Parimiile preste an, published in 1683, is the only prophetologium printed in Romanian language; since the Old Testament Lectionary for feasts throughout the year (prophetologium) is not used anymore in the divine service, it has not benefited from major interest like other types of lectionaries (Gospels, the Apostle) and has not created a tradition in Romanian culture. Among the issues yet unanswered is the question on the sources used for the translation of the biblical pericopes; the solutions proposed in the literature do not go beyond simple assumptions. In this context, we saw a possible way of identifying these sources by analizing the translation of the proper names, in order to see if the proper names in the Romanian text preserve some marks of the original language.
Intrare bibliografică:
Ungureanu, M., L’identification de la source de la traduction des péricopes bibliques dans „Parimiile preste an” (Dosoftei, Iaşi, 1683) à partir de l’analyse des noms propres, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 23-30.
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- Adrian Chircu, Le mot praxis dans la langue roumaine. Parcours lexicographique
The present study aims to examine the way in which the word praxis ‘fact, practice’ – already detected in Old Romanian (praxiu), in religious texts or in historical writings – is used in various (con)texts and with different meanings. A diachronic perspective is adopted; nevertheless, from time to time, the discussion also approaches synchronic language facts.
Intrare bibliografică:
Chircu, A., Le mot praxis dans la langue roumaine. Parcours lexicographique, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 31-38.
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- Călin Popescu, Linguistic Boundaries for the Denominational Faiths. On the Translations of the Greek καθολική in the old Romanian and Slavonic Creeds
Le mot sobornicească n’a pas été le seul employé dans le Symbole de Nicée-Constantinople en roumain. Au contraire, le mot premièrement usité a été catolicească. Ce mot a été replacé ultérieurement, comme une réaction face au prosélytisme des uniates en Transylvanie. Le même chose s’est passé dans la langue slave: le mot usité par le Grec Cyrille était каөолическоую, en accord avec Rome, qui a elle-même translittéré l’original, créant une tradition presque universelle dans les langues européennes modernes. Les russes ont fait l’imaginatif changement dans une époque ou les relations avec les Grecs s’étaient dégradées, et l’uniatisme diminuait leur tolérance. Les slavophiles ont compris le Sobornost comme une définition de l’orthodoxie. Mais ce terme ne peut pas être que synonymique avec le concept du Symbole original. Autrement, comme les occidentales remarquent, L’Orient serait coupable d’hérésie.
Intrare bibliografică:
Popescu, C., Linguistic Boundaries for the Denominational Faiths. On the Translations of the Greek καθολική in the old Romanian and Slavonic Creeds, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 39-53.
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- Ana-Maria Minuț, Note morfologice pe marginea manuscrisului 45. Particularități semantice și gramaticale ale adjectivelor
Le manuscrit 45 contient la traduction intégrale de l’Ancien Testament en roumain, réalisée par Nicolae Milescu entre 1661-1664 et révisée ultérieurement par une ou plusieurs personnes. L’article envisage la classe des adjectifs et présente quelques phénomènes d’ordre morphologique qui caractérisent l’époque anciennne du roumain ou qui représentent des traits (sémantiques ou grammaticaux) propres á cette version roumaine de la Septante.
Intrare bibliografică:
Minuț, A.M., Note morfologice pe marginea manuscrisului 45. Particularități semantice și gramaticale ale adjectivelor, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 55-63.
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Retorica discursului religios
- Enikő Pál, The Two Faces of Deity in the 16th century Calvinist Book of Songs
La concepción de la ‘divinidad’ y la naturaleza divina han sido cuestiones oscuras y generadoras de disensión aun desde la época de Cicerón. El presente estudio intenta discutir algunos aspectos de la imagen de deidad tal como ella aparece a través de la historia de la humanidad, respectivamente tal como se presenta en el Libro de canciones protestante del siglo XVI, escrito en rumano [cf. Cartea de cîntece]. Por un lado, según el principio dialéctico, todas las cosas del universo se mantienen en armonía por la tensión de los contrarios. Tal dialéctica presenta la imagen de la divinidad que conoce “dos caras” diferentes en sus principios que corresponden a las dos grandes epocas históricas de la vida religiosa: la epoca ante cristiana y la era cristiana. Por otro lado, la idea de las “dos caras” se puede invocar, esta vez con referencia particular al texto analizado, también en el caso en que proponemos a inventariar los atributos conceptualizados o percibidos de la divinidad que se colocan en una trayectoria entre dos extremos: el polo positivo y el otro negativo. Por lo tanto, un otro objetivo del presente estudio es ver la manera en que dichos atributos son verbalizados por medio de técnicas de argumentación retórica.
Intrare bibliografică:
Pál, E., The Two Faces of Deity in the 16th century Calvinist Book of Songs, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 67-80.
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- Maria Aldea, Monica Vlase, Despre cunoștință și despre relighie în tălmăcirea lui Moise Fulea. A argumenta pentru a convinge
Dans notre exposé, nous allons nous pencher sur la manière d’expression de l’argumentation dans le quatrième volet d’un ouvrage à caractère didactique, intitulé Cărticica năravurilor bune pentru tinerime (Sibiu, 1819) [Le livre des bonnes manières à lʼusage de la jeunesse], tout en insistant sur la fonction de l’exemple.
Intrare bibliografică:
Aldea, M., Vlase, M., Despre cunoștință și despre relighie în tălmăcirea lui Moise Fulea. A argumenta pentru a convinge, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 81-87.
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- Elena Chiaburu, Offense à l’ouvrage dans les anciennes notes (II)
At the time old books enjoyed special moral appreciation, they were transmitted from one generation to another and represented a spatial and a temporal bridge among people. The examination of notes written over the time on books highlights that their most frequent protection was of spiritual nature, namely the curse, as they were expensive, written with efforts or gained in exchange of great sums of money. The imprecation was often targeted towards the inappropriate possession of books: the tear and the theft of the metal and precious stoned engraved bindings, the tearing off of their pages or even the ugly handwriting on their margins. The notes help the researchers find out the categories of rogues which appropriated the books or only their beautiful ornaments. Knowing well the basic law principles, the authors of the notes made the distinction between the simple deed, done on a foolish impulse, and the deed done on a purpose.
Intrare bibliografică:
Chiaburu, E., Offense à l’ouvrage dans les anciennes notes (II), în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 89-96.
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- Mihai Floroaia, Mittelalter, zentrale Themen der Predigt im Westen
In medieval times, the Western Church had a significant power both politically and culturally. The Western Middle Ages is characterized on the one hand by the sermon of Church representatives, but on the other hand, heretics also used to spread false teachings through sermon (an unacceptable thing for the representatives of Inquisition). Religious orders that relied Catholicism, especially the Franciscans and Dominicans, led a clean life aimed at preaching the Gospel and the salvation of the soul. Attitude towards magic and witchcraft practices, along with the punishments of hell, were the themes of the great preachers of the Middle Ages. The church tried in various ways to combat exaggerations and heretical ideas through sermons.
Intrare bibliografică:
Floroaia, M., Mittelalter, zentrale Themen der Predigt im Westen, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 97-113.
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- Rodica Pop, About the True Philosophy. The Perspective of St. Justin Martyr
La question qui me préoccupe ici est de souligner que, dans les premiers siècles, jusqu’au Augustin, le christianisme avait un statut double et ambigu : de religion et de philosophie. À cet égard, je propose de donner l’exemple de saint Justin le Martyr et le Philosophe. Dans sa biographie, on peut voir facilement que la participation à toutes les grandes écoles de philosophie de son époque était liée à son désir ardent d’ «arriver» à Dieu. Aucun enseignant / philosophe renomé de son temps et aucune philosophie (stoïcisme, pitagoreisme, aristetotelisme) n’a reussi intellectuellement à lui apporter la paix de l’esprit dont il avait besoin. Seul le platonisme l’a amené à croire qu’il est presque dans les bras de Dieu. Mais la rencontre avec un vieil homme qui lui a parlé pour la première fois de Jésus et des prophètes, a allumé en lui un grand amour pour le Christ. Même si le terme φιλοσοφια d’un texte de Paul (Col. II, 8) avait une charge hérétique, indiquant une révélation magique plutôt qu’un argument rationnel, Justin l’a utilisé avec désinvolture, en disant même que les Saintes Ecritures sont «la seule philosophie sûre et apportant de folos» (Dial. Triphon VIII). Les textes de saint Justin, sa méthode de l’exposition et l’argumentation le recommandent comme un philosophe (sans que cette situation lui annule ou lui remet en question le statut de chrétien), cela veut dire qu’il applique le style rigoureux et clair, donnant les explications nécessaires, les exemples et les termes (incréé, à naître, impassibles, incompréhensibles, inaccessibles, etc.) afin de renforcer les allégations. Jusqu’à sa mort, il a porté « le manteau » d’un philosophe.
Intrare bibliografică:
Pop, R., About the True Philosophy. The Perspective of St. Justin Martyr, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 115-125.
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- Miron Erdei, The Sermon as a Therapeutical Gift of the Soul for Body Healing
Le christianisme ne se concentre pas seulement sur la santé de l’âme, mais aussi sur celle du corps, donnant aux chrétiens une série des enseignements et des règles pour empêcher les maladies corporelles et spirituelles, parce que le corps humain est appelé à la résurrection et de l’immortalité, pour qu’il profite de la vie et du bonheur éternels avec l’âme. “La morale chrétienne est la première hygiène. La vie morale fournit la meilleure santé” dont l’être humain a besoin, comme l’a déjà déclaré il y a quelque temps le professeur de théologie Il. V. Felea. Garder la santé du corps et de l’âme est un devoir fondamental de tous les chrétiens, comme nous est enseigné par l’Eglise du Christ qui prie pendant tous les services pour la santé et pour notre salut, en nous souvenant sans cesse que le Christ est le docteur des âmes et des corps.
Intrare bibliografică:
Erdei, M., The Sermon as a Therapeutical Gift of the Soul for Body Healing, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 127-136.
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- Garofița Dincă, Le paradoxe, l’ironie et l’indirect dans les homélies contemporaines en langue roumaine
We discuss the three pragmatic and rhetorical aspects that we consider to be of utmost importance in a sermonial discourse nowadays: indirect speech acts, paradox and irony. The speaker’s aim is to emphasize the main ideas. We also underline the fact that one needs courage to use them in a discourse genre known to be rather conservatory, but these pragnatic and rhetorical means meet the need of the contemporary sermon to be revitalized.
Intrare bibliografică:
Dincă, G., Le paradoxe, l’ironie et l’indirect dans les homélies contemporaines en langue roumaine, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 137-145.
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- Dumitru Cornel Vîlcu, Signs of Time in a Time of Signs: Re-reading Saint Augustine
La conception augustiniène concernant le rôle que les signes jouent (ou ne réussissent pas jouer) dans la transmission de contenus mentaux, d’information sur la réalité et, finalement, de vérités est re-examinée à la lumière d’idées appartenant à des linguistes modernes - en particulier, Wilhelm von Humboldt et Eugenio Coseriu. Aussi, la révolution apportée par Saint Augustin dans la pensée relative au temps est mise en relation avec des innovations conceptuelles post-kantiennes, en principal avec la conception de Martin Heidegger.
Intrare bibliografică:
Vîlcu, D.C., Signs of Time in a Time of Signs: Re-reading Saint Augustine, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 147-159.
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- Sorin Guia, Discursul religios între tradiție și inovație
The present paper advocates the idea that the religious discourse, a particular instantiation of discourse, triggers the rhetoric energies according to the personality of the orator, the solidarity of the speakers and the importance of the message. In line with this functional modal focus, the author advocates the need to study the persuasive force of the Orthodox Christian religious sermon from a puzzle-like point of view, in order to underline the continuities and discontinuities of several sermon rhetorical strategies. The theoretical assumptions are evidenced by adequate examples.
Intrare bibliografică:
Guia, S., Discursul religios între tradiție și inovație, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 161-173.
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Literatura și sacrul
- Zalina Gabriela Neagu, „The Book of Books” in the work of Saint John Chrysostom
Cet article se fait l’écho de la proclamation par l’Eglise Orthodoxe Roumaine de l’année 2015 comme année commémorative du Saint Jean Chrysostome. Aussi s’est-on donné comme tâche d’analyser la contribution de celui-ci à l’exégèse biblique, sachant que le Livre des Livres représente l’ouvrage le plus important de la religion chrétienne, le livre de chevet de plus de deux milliards de chrétiens du monde entier. Les commentaires de Saint Jean Chrysostome à propos des Saintes Ecritures, d’une grande richesse spirituelle et littéraire, réalisés avec la fidélité et la plasticité d’un fin connaisseur, ont une thématique riche, diverse et très attrayante. Les sujets en sont: l’homme, la vie, l’amour, l’amitié, l’éducation, le travail, la providence divine, la liberté, le destin, le bonheur, etc. Connaître et approfondir la conception du grand théologien et ses méthodes d’interpréter la Bible représentent une aide importante, morale et spirituelle, dans l’activité des prêtres et des croyants de notre Eglise.
Intrare bibliografică:
Neagu, Z.G., „The Book of Books” in the work of Saint John Chrysostom, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 177-191.
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- Rodica Marian, Dimensiunea gnostic-dualistă şi interferenţa ei cu Absolutul (Unio Oppositorium) la Eminescu
A number of writers and literary critics (Lucian Blaga, Nicolae Balotă, Ioan Petru Culianu, Alain Guillermou, Rosa Del Conte, Lucia Cifor, Carmen Negulei, Rodica Marian, Nicoleta Popa Blanariu) have written about the impact that gnostic philosophy/religion and old dualist Romanian beliefs had on Eminescu’s work. My own earlier work on the subject focused on indicating the semantic and exegetic consequences of the orthodox form of gnosis – which Lucian Blaga called the stylistic-sophianic dimension – in the complete text of Luceafărului. The most obvious consequence of this textual analysis is the process of „luceferire” of Cătălin and Cătălina, on whom transcendence descends. The present article is mainly focused on the ambivalence Luceafărul-Hyperion, on Hyperion’s evolution towards the revelation of his condition as of the same essence with that of the increated divinity.
Intrare bibliografică:
Marian, R., Dimensiunea gnostic-dualistă şi interferenţa ei cu Absolutul (Unio Oppositorium) la Eminescu, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 193-204.
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- Mihaela Dumitru Bacali, Margareta Miller-Verghy, L’autre lumière (Cealaltă lumină), le roman d’une quête intérieure
Margareta Miller-Verghy is almost an unknown name in Romanian literature, a woman writer completely ignored by literary histories. She only appears in recent dictionaries such as that of Marian Papahagi, Aurel Sasu and Mircea Zaciu (Dicţionarul scriitorilor români [The Dictionary of the Romanian Writers], 2001) or that of the Romanian Academy (2005). However, she left for posterity a diverse literary work and she put her life in the service of cultural values and high ethical ideals. The novel Cealaltă lumină (The Other Light), published in 1944, for which the author received the Academy’s Prize, is an autobiographical novel. It tells the story of the shattering experience of losing one’s eyesight, but at the same time that of finding another light, an interior one, which the protagonist, an alter-ego of the author, discovers after the acceptance of suffering and renunciations. A novel of becoming, it is also a novel whose topics are suffering and love. Both of them seem to be placed under a magnifying glass, where even the tiniest details grow and are increasing in a hallucinatory manner.
Intrare bibliografică:
Bacali, M.D., Margareta Miller-Verghy, L’autre lumière (Cealaltă lumină), le roman d’une quête intérieure, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 205-223.
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- Cristian Pașcanu, Las expansiones del concepto de Dios en el discurso cientifico actual
The present article aims to investigate how the concept of God stands for further conceptual expansions made in the scientific discourse. In our theoretical approach we focus mainly on Eugeniu Coseriu’s integralist framework regarding the universes of discourse as modes of knowledge. The relation between religion and science has made the subject matter for many inquiries, therefore we grasp the linguistic side of the phenomenon, conveying a unifying semantic perspective on speakers’s creativity.
Intrare bibliografică:
Pașcanu, C., Las expansiones del concepto de Dios en el discurso cientifico actual, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 225-237.
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- Anca Elena Costaru, La légende religieuse
This presentation refers to religious legends born from sacred written and oral texts such as the Bible (Old and New Testament), Torah, Midrash etc. The Romanian legends were compared with Basque, French, Spanish and Czech legends. Why Basque legends? Because the Basques are the oldest nation in Europe as linguistic idiom, with an unchanged religion despite French, English and Spanish political domination over the time. I preferred to present an entire text, so that the similarities between the Romanian legends cycles God and St Peter’s on Earth – Shaking the wheat and the Basque religious cycle – Le battage du blé are easier to be seen. The comparison reaches to the conclusion that the Romanian text has Jewish origins because in the neo-Latin legends the divine travelers are Jesus and St. Peter while in the Romanian legend the divine travelers are the God (not Jesus) and St. Peter.
Intrare bibliografică:
Costaru, A.E., La légende religieuse, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 239-244.
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- Carmen-Mihaela Potlog, Aspects of the Sacred Reflected in the Novel Moromeţii by Marin Preda
La critique a salué, à juste titre , la force de la création typologique, la vision entièrement nouvelle sur le paysan et le monde, les qualités stylistiques et la composition du roman, tout cela a consolidé pendant le temps sa position ainsi qu’ aujourd’hui personne ne doute que le roman de Marin Preda est non seulement chef-d’œuvre de l’auteur , mais aussi l’un des écrits les plus importants de la prose roumaine, de tous les temps. Moromeţii est le livre d’un «moment» dans le développement historique particulier du village roumain, moment qui se trouve non loin du début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Preda plaide par la littérature humaine pour un soulagement de l’écriture humaine, croyant que toute culture nationale doit créer des mythes, des concepts de référence qui soient un lien entre les personnes et le passage du temps.
Intrare bibliografică:
Potlog, C.M., Aspects of the Sacred Reflected in the Novel Moromeţii by Marin Preda, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 245-250.
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- Livia Iacob, Arte poetice medievale. Parodia sacra (I)
In medieval times, one could observe a peaceful coexistence of the arts of poetry and the different forms of parodia sacra. This paper aims at analysing several works that played an important role not only in that period but also in the inner evolution of various literary creations in national languages(while detaching from the use of Latin or Vulgate Latin) starting from a paradox: the theoretic vacuum is filled with such numerous creations. If literary/ poetic theory treatises are missing or information specific to them could only be identified in the later rhetoric works, the case of literary parodic production is not similar. The medieval parody innovates with its subject choice. It particularly confronts religious topics, these artists’ originality being certified through their use of parodic doublets which they create in the middle of the most important biblical parables and even in the case of veneration moments and through parodia sacra.
Intrare bibliografică:
Iacob, L., Arte poetice medievale. Parodia sacra (I), în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 251-256.
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- Ioan Milică, Elemente de sorginte biblică în Povestea lui Harap-Alb de Ion Creangă
The paper examines the Biblical correspondences displayed by Ion Creangă’s The Tale of Harap-Alb, in order to argue that some style markers traditionally considered as illustrations of orality are, in fact, instantiations of intertextuality. The stylistic analysis of Creangă’s tales by means of close reading unveils the humorous use of various compositional patterns either of Biblical or of ecclesiastical origin. At the same time, our approach advocates the study of literature in the light of comparative philology and text linguistics, in order to gain a better understanding of the expressive intricacies hidden in the fabric of the literary works.
Intrare bibliografică:
Milică, I., Elemente de sorginte biblică în Povestea lui Harap-Alb de Ion Creangă, în „Text și discurs religios”, nr. 8/2016, p. 257-261.
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